NASA News: Hear the sounds of space from Mars Perseverance Rover – “Awesome” | Science | news


NASA’s Perseverance Rover began its grueling journey to Mars in July. Transporting the rocket will take six months to reach the Red Planet, but NASA is already using the rover.

A microphone aboard the rover recorded the sounds of space as it travels through the solar system.

NASA has now released those sounds, with disturbing results.

As the rover travels through the void of space, a faint hum is heard.

While it may appear that deep space would be completely silent, NASA has said it isn’t.

The space agency said in a statement: “As any film science fiction enthusiast knows, the void of space is a far from optimal environment for auditory broadcasting.

“But that doesn’t mean that sound can’t find another way. Sound waves can travel through solid objects.

“When these mechanical vibrations are registered by an electrical component, they are sometimes transformed into an electrical signal.

“Anyone listening to music through in-ear headphones may have encountered this phenomenon as a hiss or thud when the headphone cord touches a surface.”

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“If it doesn’t, it won’t hinder the rover discovery mission to Jezero Crater one bit.

“If even part of the landing sequence was captured in audio, that would be great.”

NASA’s Perseverance Rover will land on the Red Planet next year.

Some scientists are optimistic that NASA’s Perseverance is the best solution for finding alien life.

Monica Grady, a professor of planetary and space sciences at Open University, wrote in an article for The Conversation: “While this rover will be just one of many on the red planet, it’s our best bet to find life there for the time being.

“Perseverance carries a full set of scientific instruments that measure all the usual things that are measured on Mars: the chemistry and mineralogy of rocks and soil, the amount and type of organic material present and just below the surface, and so on. Street .

Perseverance is the first rover to have the ability to pierce a core, approximately 10 centimeters long and one centimeter in diameter, and extract it intact from the hole.

“Perseverance will take samples from a range of different rock types as it traverses the crater floor.

“The drill cores will be left in a small pile – a cache – for collection, perhaps early 2027, and subsequent transport to Earth. [estimated arrival time is still not known, but maybe around spring 2032]. “

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