NASA is “ struggling ” and unlikely to carry out its Artemis mission in 2024 to the moon, says new audit


According to a report from the agency’s inspector general office, NASA is “unlikely” to return to the moon by 2024.

The space agency was supposed to send the next man and first woman to the moon as part of its Artemis program, the first time humans had set foot on the moon since the Apollo missions 50 years ago.

But the challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic, such as the closure of 18 major NASA facilities, meant that development of the space launch system and the Orion spacecraft had to be delayed or suspended.

Additionally, testing of the rocket’s main stages had to be delayed and development of the mission hardware was temporarily halted.

“While NASA is rapidly following the development or purchase of additional capabilities needed to meet its lunar goals, the Agency has yet to make final decisions on key aspects, including the Gateway, the initial elements of which are currently set for launch. in January 2024, several months later than originally planned – and the human landing system, “the report said.

The agency had requested $ 3 billion from the United States Congress, the government provided less than half the amount required for exploratory research and development efforts. What will be further approved by Congress remains “uncertain”.

“Due to these challenges, we anticipate further scheduling delays and cost increases, making it unlikely that the Gateway will be available for the planned lunar landing in 2024,” the report continued, saying it would be “difficult” to meet the deadline.

To continue space missions, the government must provide “strong, consistent and sustained leadership” regarding the program, as well as adequate funding. NASA is also expected to determine the true long-term costs of space exploration, the report says, as well as establishing “realistic schedules” and increasing international partnerships with both other governments and private entities.

“Over the past decade, our oversight work has found that NASA has consistently struggled to address each of these significant issues and the accelerated schedule of the Artemis mission is likely to further aggravate these challenges,” the report said.

NASA’s lunar programs could be a part of greater human space exploration, landing on other planets such as Mars.

“So we want tugs that go from Earth’s orbit to lunar orbit to be reusable. We want a space station around the moon to stay there for a very long period of time and we want landers to go back and forth between the space station around. the moon and the surface of the moon, “Bridenstine said in 2018.

Tunnels on the moon are thought to be 1,000 times wider than those on Earth, where they can already be extended for about 30 meters, which could shield structures and astronauts from cosmic and solar radiation as well as micrometeors.

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