NASA: Global emissions of nitrogen dioxide plummeted by 20% during the Covid-19 blockades


Coronavirus blockages have led to a 20% reduction in global nitrogen dioxide concentrations.

This according to new research from NASA, which suggests that the decline in nitrogen dioxide concentrations was greatest in cities and ranged between 20% and 60% of reductions in 50 of the 61 urban centers analyzed.

Nitrogen dioxide is a polluting gas composed of nitrogen and oxygen: it is formed when fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, gas or diesel are burned at high temperatures.

The researchers used computer models to generate a Covid-free year for comparison with data from 5,756 field observation sites in 2020.

Wuhan, China, which was the epicenter of the pandemic, was the first to show nitrogen dioxide emissions 60 percent below simulated values.

The report also showed a 60% decrease in Milan and 45% in New York as local restrictions come into effect.

Study lead author Christoph Keller said, “In a way, I was surprised at how much it has declined.

“Many countries have already done a great job of lowering their nitrogen dioxide concentrations over the past few decades due to clean air regulations, but what our results clearly show is that there is still a significant contribution driven by the human behaviour”.

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