Myriam Fares calls for a collective prayer for Lebanon throughout the Arab world


Posted on: Friday 7 August 2020 – 14:53 | Last update: Friday 7 August 2020 – 2:53 pm

The Lebanese artist, Myriam Fares, invited the entire Arab world to participate in a group prayer, at 6pm today, Friday, for Lebanon, after Beirut was bombed, killing dozens of victims and hundreds of injured.

Myriam wrote, on her official Facebook page: “Only one request made by him from all over the Arab world. Pray a minute for my country, Lebanon, which weeps for its martyrs, whose young people are still missing under the rubble. , whose wounded have not been healed, whose children have fled to the streets. Let us pray. We are all today at 6pm Beirut time, so that our collective prayer will be answered. “

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