Mission accomplished! China has brought samples of lunar material to earth


The Chinese spacecraft managed to collect lunar material.

China has invested trillions of rupees in special costs for a military-run space exploration program. The hope is that they will have a manned space station by 2022 and plan to send people to the moon.

In this context, the Chinese space agency announced that the Chang’e-5 spacecraft made a lunar landing on Tuesday (December 1) and has now completed a mission to collect moon rock and dust.

The unmanned spacecraft collected about two kilograms of material from an area never before explored by humans, known as Oceanus procellarum or “Ocean of Storms” – huge plains of lava, according to the scientific journal Nature.

Sampling for scientific research

Scientists hope the samples will help them understand the moon’s origin, its formation and the volcanic activity on its surface.

Earlier this week, local state media reported that China would be the third country, after the United States (US) and the USSR, to take samples from the moon if the mission was successful.

This lunar sample of material is the first attempt made in 1976 after the Soviet Union’s Luna 24 mission.

On Wednesday evening (February 12) samples of lunar material were packed in special containers and landed in the Inner Mongolia region of northern China. “Scientific research is proceeding according to plan,” the space agency said, without giving details.

ha / gtp (AFP)

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