Meteor shower 2020: when are the Geminids this year? | Science | news


The Geminid meteor shower is among nature’s best and most reliable firework displays. Like a clock, meteors explode in the night sky every December. But the shower is more intense on a particular night when you can see more than 100 meteors per hour.

Geminids appear every year when our planet crashes into a debris field left in the path of the 3200 Phaethon space rock.

Unlike most meteor showers, Geminids are associated with an asteroid and not a comet.

Meteors enter our skies at a speed of 22 miles per second.

When viewed from the ground, shooting stars appear near the star Castor in their constellation of the same name, Gemini.

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“To see the Geminids, find an area well away from city lights or street lights.”

Sources of light pollution, such as street lights, cars, and buildings can hinder your viewing experience.

You should also turn off your phone and allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness. This may take up to 20 minutes.

If possible, find an observation point with an unobstructed view of the horizon.

Be patient and remember to wrap up appropriately for a cold December night.

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