"Mastering Ethereum" by Anthonopolous Set to Bring the Blockchain to your WordPress


The cryptocurrencies currently suffer from a serious drawback: what some have defined as the Kansas Mom Enigma.

According to Kansas's mother's test, if a home parent who has other priorities – the pressures that come from raising children while juggling responsibilities to run a family and a limited budget – can not find the time nor the energy to invest in learning a new application that could otherwise bring real benefit to their daily travails, then that application is likely to fall into oblivion.

The phenomenon of the mother of Kansas is the reason why Bitcoin – or even cryptocurrency – is not yet a mass phenomenon. Learning of the key concepts of the criptos – the nature of private and public keys, the management of keys with the software wallet, the carrying out of transfers between portfolios and exchanges, etc. – any honest assessment will conclude that, frankly, the entry barrier is too high for now 99% of people on this planet who do not have the same technical, ideological or induced reasons as Lambo as the rest of us are interested in cryptographic technologies or based on cryptography.

It is in this fray that now has taken a step Andreas Antonopolous, the original author of Master Bitcoin which introduced Bitcoin to a wider audience of developers in 2014.

However, while mastery of Bitcoin has democratized the understanding of the Bitcoin protocol within the development community, its impact on the adoption of Bitcoin more generally – by Mother of Kansas – was essentially non-zero. The reason is simple: Bitcoin is limited to Bitcoin which forms a complete circle with itself, and the choice is whether you want to be in that circle or not – which brings us back to our technology experts, libertarians and Lamborghini.

The wider horizons of Ethereum

With Ethereum, however, a project that has placed its skills far higher, the goal is very different: act as a public API that guarantees to any third-party application the opportunity to exploit security and the transparency offered by blockchain technology for their own purposes, whatever happens, provided they can be expressed through smart contracts.

The idea was revolutionary, but there was only one drawback: the documentation of Ethereum, written for developers by developers, suffered from that very fact. Developers are known for creating documentation that does little to help understand the technology they build and everything to make it visible. The phenomenon is known as the curse of knowledge that the developers of the vast majority have been a proud pioneer of. The developers, it seems, turn to highly dubious pedagogues.

However, there are exceptions. Among these, the most important is Antonopolo in person who published – after a series of postponements due to his inexorable program of speakers as a lawyer of Blockchain – the long-awaited and long-awaited Mastering Ethereum, published by O & # 39; Reilly.

I once spoke at the Blockchain Summit in London with an Italian developer, an ICO who was trying to create a platform that would convert the most popular video streaming protocols into other streaming protocols. The idea was to implement a P2P service that would reward users for contributing with processing power to the work required for the conversions themselves, and then receiving the payment as a native platform token as a reward for doing so.

His biggest obstacle to implementing the general solution, he explained, was to find the right documentation, often simply unavailable, to provide guidance on how to get results. "The Ethereum documentation is horrible" He explained. "For Bitcoin, it's better, because it's an outdated technology, and it's a bigger community, which is the most difficult aspect for our project team."

Blockchain needs its own WordPress

With the release of Mastering Ethereum, – a new wave of developers is about to enter the blockchain arena in the coming years that could see – perhaps at a stage of the next decade – the blockchain bring to the world its equivalent of what WordPress has been for most web development in General: an extremely intuitive user interface that allows users to create all kinds of websites suitable for use, using nothing but point-and-click technology that serves as a basis for hundreds of thousands of successful companies all over the world.

Once the ability to exploit blockchain technology has been removed from the hands of dedicated experts who have invested years in understanding their internal mechanisms to those who need only a few hours to set up their blockchain-baed solutions and less than a few minutes for those who serve as end users, then and only then, the issue of mass adoption will be addressed.

And with the Mastering Ethereum, Antonopolous made us take one more step in this direction.

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