Mars Curiosity Rover photo: new image taken at Mary Anning’s website


Curiosity landed at Gale Crater in 2012 and has since scaled Mount Sharp, looking for signs that the planet once supported life. Samples from Glen Torridon to Mount Sharp show that the area could have contained lakes and streams billions of years ago. The team suspects this is the reason the region holds “a high concentration of clay minerals and organic molecules”.

Three samples were taken at the site named for the paleontologist who was largely unrecognized in her day and long after. They called those holes “Mary Anning 1”, “Mary Anning 2” and “Groken”. It takes months to study the chemistry and minerals from a sample. Hence, the results of what is on the site will not be known for quite a while. However, perhaps before the arrival of Curiosity’s new six-wheeled friend. The Perseverance rover is less than 100 days away from landing on Mars.

However, we can enjoy the view around Curiosity that would have inspired Sergio Leone.

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