Maram Nubia: My African music is strange in the Arab world


Egyptian singer Maram Al-Nubia said that she has not yet become a celebrity because she is still at the beginning of her artistic career, explaining that her artistic fame was no accident, but at the same time she considered her success as the pinnacle of the success that accompanies it.

In his interview with “Al-Ru’ya”, he confirmed that the artistic path is cumbersome and requires great patience for the singer to realize his dream and challenge himself on the scene, adding that he owes social media to beauty, considering that his platforms are the testimony of the beginning of his artistic career.

Maram indicated she was entranced by the voices of Fairuz and Sabah, and was artistically influenced by Egyptian star Mohamed Mounir, as she aspired to present songs in all African musical colors, which she still considered strange in the Arab world. The text of the dialogue follows:

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* Tell us about the beginnings of your artistic career and your discovery of the beauty of your voice.

I loved singing from an early age and sang at concerts and on the school radio, being the only child who attended at the time because the participants were older than me, but I grew up in a busy family who opposed the theme of singing and my membership in the art community, and I wished with all my heart that my dream would come true and become a famous singer.

* Why did you choose to study media despite your love for singing?

I chose to study journalism for my great love of reading, which is an important hobby for me.When I graduated, I worked in writing digital and television content.

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When did you decide to sing and how did you become famous?

I am not a star until now because I am still at the beginning of my artistic career, and when I decided to sing it was not a decision, but an inner feeling encouraged me to embark on this adventure that I love, so I attended courses in I sing just to please myself and practice the hobby I love, and then I shot a video where I sing I put it on my Facebook page, it spread very fast and one of the producers who filmed my first song contacted me, and from that moment on I decided to make my dream come true.

* Did chance play a role in your artistic career?

I can’t be sure it’s a coincidence, and in general I’ve been lucky from the start, but the road itself is tired and needs great patience to be able to realize my dream, and from my point of view who will do what is required for professionalism will succeed, but chance alone will not give us everything we want. .

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To what extent did your upbringing in Aswan selected your artwork?

I grew up in Cairo, but my mother’s family is from Aswan and I felt sad because I was far from the Nubian culture.This is why when I reached a stage where I could travel and move, I went to Aswan and I sitting there for a long time. Very beautiful and special for me, which is why I decided to travel to African countries to learn more about their culture and musical art and to learn their correct execution.

* Known for your love of travel and transportation in African countries, tell us about these tours.

After years of work, I decided to take a vacation to take a road trip from Egypt to the countries of South Africa, to learn about the arts and cultures of these countries of which I consider myself a part, and the journey lasted 52 days , and after my return from this trip I recorded my first song, “My love, come”. I performed a group of concerts in Egypt, and then I performed a second song, “Hey Hey”, but I haven’t performed concerts outside Egypt yet and I hope that after the Corona pandemic ends, the concerts will be resumed in various parts of world.

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* Who is the Arab artist who was influenced by him?

I love listening to Fayrouz, Ziad Al-Rahbani, Shadia and Al-Shahorra Sabah, and I love the voice of Mohamed Mounir, the artist I was most impressed with.

* How do you promote your business through social media and have you been exposed to cyberbullying?

A while ago, I presented a Sudanese colored song distributed with reggae music and showed it through my Social Media accounts, and it got a million views in just 5 days, and this success made me happy because Social Media was the reason for my appearance from the beginning, but I completely ignore online bullying.

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Why did you choose to mix Arabic music with African rhythms?

The music I offer is purely African, but this music in the Arab world is still considered strange, and Egypt is part of the African continent full of cultural and musical treasures, and I want to present all kinds of songs that I have seen on my trip on the African continent and I’m sure listeners in the Arab world will like it.

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