M1 Mac can run Windows software with CrossOver




Apple’s M1 chip brought many surprises in terms of performance and power consumption. However, in the process of transitioning to the new processor, the lack of Boot Camp, the Windows installation tool, still makes many old Mac users feel regret. But in reality, Boot Camp isn’t the only way to run Windows apps on a Mac. In recent years, CrossOver, a software based on the open source Wine project, has also been able to allow Windows apps to run on macOS. , Linux and Chrome OS. And its latest version can be used after being translated from Rosetta 2 to M1 Mac, along with its Windows simulation, the bridge between M1 and Win app was established in this way.

While it has to go through such layers of complex relationships, after team CrossOver testing (using the cheaper 8GB MacBook Air M1), the M1’s performance is enough to run games like “Among Us” and “Team Fortress 2.” Of course, it can be seen from the film that while the game may work, the frame rate performance is not ideal. But being able to do this alone has already given people hope for further improvements in the future. In addition to CrossOver, Parallels, a Windows virtual machine that has been around for many years on the Mac platform, has also confirmed its plan to develop the M1 version, but when the finished product will arrive has yet to be determined.

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