Lucas warns of the risk posed by the Chinese launch to the moon


Lucas warns of the risk posed by the Chinese launch to the moon

Press release from: United States House of Representatives
Published: Monday 23 November 2020

Today, Frank Lucas, a ranking member of the House’s Science, Space and Technology Committee, highlighted the risk the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) poses to America’s international leadership in science and technology following the launch of the Chang’e mission. -5 of the CCP on the Moon.

“The launch of Chang’e-5 is a significant step by China towards their goal of establishing a long-term presence on the Moon. The leading nation in space will set the rules for future technological development and exploration, and the influence of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in the CCP’s space program makes China a particularly irresponsible and dangerous candidate. Advances in the CCP also jeopardize America’s international competitiveness in science and technology. We can no longer take America’s leadership in space for granted and must continue to support the men and women of the American space program who aspire to launch manned missions to the Moon, Mars and beyond. “

The China Task Force Report, a workable plan to respond to the growing influence of the Chinese Communist Party, discusses China’s plans for space exploration and recommends that the United States secure its leadership in the commercial space sector and maintain its commitment to space exploration. human exploration of space:

“While the United States sees space exploration as a way to expand human knowledge, create new technologies and discover new phenomena, the CCP seeks to establish leadership in space for the purpose of keeping the CCP in power and as a demonstration of economic security and national strength, “the report reads. “Unlike the United States, which has a civilian agency (NASA) that oversees space exploration, the PLA runs the People’s Republic of China (PRC) space program. The CCP dedicates high-level attention and funding to space, while aggressively attempting to acquire U.S. space startup companies and technology, whether through legitimate means or coercion and theft.

“If the PRC succeeds in its efforts to launch its first long-term space station module in 2022, it will have matched the US’s nearly 40-year progression from first human space flight to the first space station module in less than 20 years. “, the relationship continues. The CCP talks openly about plans to establish a human base on the Moon. The US should be concerned about the technological innovations and leadership role for the CCP that could come from the manned missions of PRC citizens to the moon. “

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