LiteCoin Ultra (CURRENCY: LTCU) surpassed 67% more against the US dollar during the one-day period ending at 13:00 ET on 3 January. During the last week, LiteCoin Ultra recorded a rise of 55.2% compared to the US dollar. LiteCoin Ultra has a market capitalization of $ 6,249.00 and the LiteCoin Ultra value of $ 21.00 was traded on the stock exchange on the last day. A LiteCoin Ultra coin can now be purchased for around $ 0.0061 or 0.00000158 BTC on exchanges including Cryptopia and YoBit.
Here's how other cryptocurrencies were performed during the last day:
Novacoin (NVC) sold 13.2% less than the dollar and now trades at $ 0.63 or 0.00016553 BTC.
vTorrent (VTR) traded flat against the dollar and now trades at $ 0.10 or 0.00001375 BTC.
Sequence (SEQ) traded down 1% against the dollar and now trades at $ 0.0232 or 0.00000604 BTC.
42 coins (42) traded down 3.1% against the dollar and now traded at $ 19.133.55 or 4.9849485 BTC.
LiteDoge (LDOGE) recorded a rise of 9.3% against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.0000 or 0.00000001 BTC.
WomenCoin (WOMEN) sold 1.5% less than the dollar and now trades at $ 0.0000 or 0.00000000 BTC.
Rupaya (RUPX) gained 0.4% against the dollar and now trades at $ 0.0034 or 0.00000089 BTC.
BitBar (BTB) traded 4.4% less than the dollar and now trades at $ 3.07 or 0.00080119 BTC.
SpaceCoin (SPACE) was trading lower against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.0040 or 0.00000062 BTC.
The BriaCoin (BRIA) fell 4.7% against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.13 or 0.00003391 BTC.
About LiteCoin Ultra
LiteCoin Ultra (LTCU) is a PoW / PoS coin that uses the Scrypt hashing algorithm. The first offer was traded on 28 July 2017. The total supply of LiteCoin Ultra is 8,531,300 coins and its circulating supply is 1,031,300 coins. The official Twitter account of LiteCoin Ultra is @litecoinultra. The Reddit community for LiteCoin Ultra is / r / LitecoinUltraCurrency and the currency Github account can be viewed here. The official site for LiteCoin Ultra is
LiteCoin Ultra Coin Trading
LiteCoin Ultra can be purchased or sold on these cryptocurrant exchanges: YoBit and Cryptopia. Usually it is not possible to buy alternative cryptocurrencies like LiteCoin Ultra using US dollars directly. Investors seeking to exchange LiteCoin Ultra should first purchase Bitcoin or Ethereum using an exchange that trades in US dollars such as Gemini, Changelly or GDAX. Investors can then use their newly acquired Bitcoin or Ethereum to purchase LiteCoin Ultra using one of the exchanges listed above.