At 2018-12-02 the average Litecoin price is USD, BTC, ETH.
In this regard, the 24-hour trading volume is USD or BTC. At the same time, Litecoin's market capitalization is $ or $ BTC.
Litecoin LTC / XRP on Bitrue exchange is 33.65. The trading volume on Bitrue is 791606,69.
At the same time Litecoin LTC / BTC on NLexch gearbox is 31.14. The trading volume on NLexch is 0.00.
Litecoin LTC / THB on CoinAsset exchange is 32.19. The trading volume on CoinAsset is 78277.48.
Litecoin LTC / BTC on Freiexchange exchange is 31.97. The trading volume on Freiexchange is 14.17.
Litecoin LTC / USDT on the exchange Max Maicoin is 34.75. The trading volume on Max Maicoin is 401.17.
It is interesting to note that Litecoin is circulating.
The average exchange rate of Litecoin within 24 hours is against USD, against BTC, against ETH. Weekly report: against USD, against BTC, against ETH. Monthly report: against USD, against BTC, against ETH.