Litecoin Plus (LCP) has had a good 24 hours since the cryptography has jumped $ 0.00443189120000001 or 11.74% of exchanges to $ 0.0421945344. According to Crypto experts, Litecoin Plus (LCP) notes $ 0.04641398784 target on the way to $ 0.0968500043592051. The last LCP was exchanged for the exchange of crypts. He had a maximum of $ 0.0422311616 and a minimum of $ 0.0377626432 for January 10-11. The opening was $ 0.0377626432.
Litecoin Plus (LCP) has increased by 4.36% over the last 30 days by $ 0.04043 per token. Its -4.28% down in the last 100 days since it was trading at $ 0.04408 and the annual trend is falling. 200 days ago LCP was trading at $ 0.135. LCP has extracted 2.18 million coins giving it $ 91.829 market capitalization. The maximum coins of Litecoin Plus are 4.00 million. LCP uses the Scrypt algorithm and the PoW / PoS test type. It was started on 08/09/2017.
Litecoin Plus is a PoW / PoS hybrid cryptocurrency based on Scrypt algorithm.
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