Litecoin Cash Market Cap reaches $ 6.41 million (LCC)


Litecoin Cash (CURRENCY: LCC) sold 2.3% less than the US dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 1:00 am. E. T. December 11th. A Litecoin Cash currency can currently be purchased for $ 0.0107 or 0.00000273 BTC on exchanges including Mercatox, Braziliex, YoBit and SouthXchange. Litecoin Cash has a total market capitalization of $ 6.41 million and $ 4443.00 of Litecoin Cash have been traded on the stock exchange on the last day. In the last week Litecoin Cash recorded a 7% decline compared to the US dollar.

Here's how they did the similar cryptocurrencies on the last day:

  • Mixin (XIN) gained 7.6% against the dollar and now trades at $ 96.34 or 0.02471282 BTC.
  • The merger (FSN) fell 1.5% against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.54 or 0.00013851 BTC.
  • Sakura Bloom (SKB) fell 0.4% against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.0027 or 0.00000070 BTC.
  • Distributed Credit Chain (DCC) sold 0.7% against the dollar and now trades at $ 0.0016 or 0.00000041 BTC.
  • Bitcoin Atom (BCA) recorded + 20.7% more against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.23 or 0.00005943 BTC.
  • XinFin Network (XDCE) recorded an increase of 1.2% against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.0008 or 0.00000020 BTC.
  • Bean Cash (BITB) rose 5.7% against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.0011 or 0.00000029 BTC.
  • DAO.Casino (BET) gained 24.2% against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.0111 or 0.00000284 BTC.
  • The Measurable Data Token (MDT) fell 0.4% against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.0024 or 0.00000061 BTC.
  • The Qbao (QBT) fell 1.5% against the dollar and is now trading at $ 0.0150 or 0.00000384 BTC.

Litecoin Cash Coin Profile

Litecoin Cash (LCC) is a currency. The first transaction was traded on 3 February 2018. Litecoin Cash's total supply is 601,604,207 coins. The official Litecoin Cash website is The Reddit community for Litecoin Cash is / r / LCCofficial and the currency Github account can be viewed here. The official Twitter account of Litecoin Cash is @LitecoinFork.

Purchase and sale of Litecoin Cash

Litecoin Cash can be traded on these cryptocurrency exchanges: Mercatox, SouthXchange, Stocks.Exchange, YoBit, CryptoBridge, Exrates, Braziliex, HitBTC and Trade Satoshi. It is usually not possible to buy alternative cryptocurrencies like Litecoin Cash using US dollars directly. Investors seeking to buy Litecoin Cash must first purchase Ethereum or Bitcoin using an exchange that trades in US dollars such as GDAX, Gemini or Coinbase. Investors can then use newly acquired Ethereum or Bitcoin to purchase Litecoin Cash through one of the above exchanges.

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