Like the XRP robots, ReddCoin (RDD) killed Reddit coins – today's magazine

Reddit coins

Many redditors do not know that Reddit has its own coins. The social platform has virtual coins that people can use to assign post or sample comments and / or encourage their favorite contributors on the platform. However, the advent of XRP Tip Bot and ReddCoin (RDD) killed the idea.

Unlike other cryptocurrency rollovers that go to the person's wallet that is turned upside down, Reddit Coin is purchased by Reddit and designated as coins but can not be spent on any other platform beyond which it is issued.

A coin to watch in Reddit

The Reddit coins have evolved from Creddits. The redditors purchase coins on the Reddit platform and spend them to allocate the best contributions received by Reddit. When a certain amount of coins is assigned to the post or commentary, people are able to see it under the posts, while some people also grant special bonuses.

When a silver prize is shown on a post or a comment, it means that the person has a tip of 100 coins.

In addition, when a recipient is awarded a gold prize, the award recipient receives a week of Premium Reddit, 100 coins and a gold prize is shown in the post or comment. However, 500 coins are necessary to achieve this goal.

In the same line, any Redentit who received a Platinum Award receives one month of Reddit Premium, 700 Coins for the month, and a Platinum Award is shown in the comment or in the post. 1800 coins are necessary to achieve this goal.

The redditors buy coins directly from Reddit and 500 coins cost $ 5.99. This means that, to give someone a Gold Award, the redditor must pay $ 5.99.

XRP Tip Bot does it better

XRP Tip Bot, a bot that simplifies users of Discord, Twitter and Reddit to send Ripple XRP each other via their reddit comments or tweets.

Unlike the Reddit Coin that is purchased by Reddit with the fund that goes to the Reddit account, XRP Tip Bot sends the overturning to the receiver's wallet without the platform loading anything from the overturned amount.

Once there is XRP in your tipping account, you can easily start making maximum contributions without stress.

ReddCoin (RDD): the future of social tips

ReddCoin (RDD) is considered the future of social media due to the fact that the platform connects all social platforms supported with a single means of identification called ReddID.

With ReddID, users can easily suggest people on Facebook, Reddit, Twitter among other platforms without any problem. ReddCoin solves many problems known from the social rollover and the idea is behaving admirably in that Realm today.

The advent of XRP Tip Bot and ReddCoin is killing Reddit Coin or Creddits.

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