Li Xueqin responded by being nominated by the China Consumers Association: do not participate in the operation and do not know the process of real-time data statistics


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Original title: Li Xueqin replied that he was nominated by the China Consumers Association: not participating in the operation and unaware of the real-time data statistics process

News from IT Home on November 22 A few days ago, the official WeChat account of the China Consumers Association released the “Double 11” report on the analysis of public opinion on the protection of consumer rights. In this report, the China Consumers Association named three well-known figures: Wang Han, Li Jiaqi, and Li Xueqin.

Subsequently, Li Xueqin released a formal response to the China Consumers Association’s call through the official Weibo of Li Xueqin’s study.

IT Home learned that the China Consumers Association reported that Li Xueqin participated in a live broadcast of goods suspected of falsifying machine data.The official response stated that Li Xueqin and his team had not participated in any broadcast operation live.No knowledge of the real-time data statistics process

The statement states: “After seeing the China Consumers Association report, we will communicate and verify with the party inviting this live broadcast cooperation as soon as possible and ask the other party to report the truth as soon as possible and to properly handle the problem”.

Li Xueqin Studio also expressed his position: we firmly resist real-time data falsification;

Support the broadcasting of e-commerce live broadcasts, adhering to the concept of treating consumers sincerely, disseminating fair guidance, complying with relevant laws and regulations, and promoting the healthy development of the industry;

After this incident, we will be more cautious about preliminary work, rigorously review live delivery partners, and strive to strengthen the standard.

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