LG Electronics, 56 greetings from executives …


Lee Sang-gyu, promoted to president, head of sales in Korea
Lee Sang-gyu, promoted to president, head of sales in Korea, LG Electronics

On the 26th, LG Electronics gave executive greetings, such as the promotion of Lee Sang-gyu, head of the Korean sales headquarters, to the president. 56 people were promoted, including 1 president, 3 vice presidents, 9 executives and 43 executives. Based on accurate performanceism, we have selected talents capable of strengthening not only short-term business performance, but also key business competitiveness.

On the 26th, LG Electronics held the board of directors and announced that it had made executive greetings (January 1, 2021) and organizational reorganization (December 1, 2020) in 2021.

LG Electronics promoted promotions to a total of 56 people, including a president, three vice presidents, nine executives and 43 executives. The promotion scale in 2019 was 49 (6 Vice Presidents, 13 Executive Directors, 30 Executive Directors).

Based on accurate performanceism, we have selected talents capable of strengthening not only short-term business performance, but also key business competitiveness. It has uncovered young and female talent who can drive innovation and change and has recruited outside talent. In particular, among new executives, the share of births since 1970 has increased substantially from 57% last year to 72% this year.

Lee Sang-gyu, head of the Korean sales division, who has been promoted to president, has accumulated various work experience in sales, strategy, distribution and marketing at the Korean sales division after joining in 1988. Since the end of last year he is was in charge of the Korean sales division, establishing medium to long term strategies and building a sales base for sustainable growth.

Promoted to Vice President Seung-Tae Baek, Head of Business Division of Living Appliance ensured business strength by strengthening cost competitiveness and product portfolio, the head of Osegi’s H&A Research Center strengthened R&D capabilities through the development of differentiated new technologies and the grafting of DX (digital conversion) technology, Jin-seo Noh, executive director of the CSO division Was recognized for creating a corporate foundation focused on robotic solutions and for creating a market-leading image of the business robots.

Senior Vice President Lee Jeong-seok, who helped differentiate Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) TVs and secure a competitive advantage, and Dong-wook Kim, who expanded the business area through the development of the service platform , were promoted to executive directors.

Ji-young Koo (woman, 41 years old), who has contributed to the development of differentiated products by finding future trends such as space appliances and healthcare, So-yeon Lee (woman, 45 years old), who has improved the competitiveness of the product and the development efficiency through modular TV design and virtual verification. Two new female leaders have emerged.

Responsibility for Woo Woo Woo Woo was promoted to CEO for his contribution to the positive evaluation of consumers and the market through the differentiation of the smartphone camera UX (user experience) and the optimization of image quality. Woo is the youngest new executive born in 1980.

In this reorganization, LG Electronics has focused on customer value innovation, future preparation and diversification of growth engines, while maintaining a responsible management system focused on business divisions.

LG Electronics will establish a North American innovation center under the Chief Strategy Office (CSO) to prepare for the future from an enterprise perspective.

The North American Innovation Center discovers new business models in Silicon Valley, USA, and collaborates with industry leaders. LG Electronics recruited Executive Vice President Lee Seok-woo, who served as Deputy Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and took over the center’s management. Senior Vice President Lee Seok-woo, a leading business development expert in the Internet of Things (IoT) field, was Presidential Innovation Fellow in the field of IoT at the White House in the United States.

Additionally, LG Electronics has established a Biz Incubation Center under the CSO division to promote and support various types of new businesses.

The CTO division established iLab (iLab) directly under the division to develop innovative technologies related to new business and discover creative ideas for startup methods. As part of the Material Technology Center, a new generation display research center will be operated to develop technologies related to micro LEDs and accelerate business.

LG Electronics has created a new MI (Market Intelligence) in the Global Marketing Center to analyze customer and market data and derive information. Furthermore, the Customer Value Innovation Office has been upgraded to Customer Value Innovation Officer and transferred to the CSO division in order to identify customer pain points and reflect them in the overall management such as product planning, product development and sales.

LG Electronics reorganized its Advanced Design Research Center and created a CX (Customer eXperience) Lab under the direct control of the CEO. CX Lab strengthens design capabilities based on customer experience. Professor Hwang Seong-geol, head of Hongik University’s Industrial Design Department, is in charge of CX Lab.

LG Electronics maintains its system of five corporate offices. The advanced research and development functions near the corporate headquarters are transferred to the headquarters and the former research organization is reorganized to strengthen the future preparation of the corporate headquarters.

The H&A division is under the vice president of Ryu Jae-cheol, who led the Living Appliance division. Vice President Ryu has increased LG Electronics’ dominance in the global appliance market and has an excellent ability to read changes in customers and markets, so he has been named the right new person to lead the H&A division.

The H&A headquarters integrated research and development organizations such as Appliance Research Center and Air Solution Research Center to create a comprehensive R&D organization for the business and established Kitchen Appliance Research Center, Living Appliance Research Center and Air Solution Research Center in each division.

LG Electronics will move the business center robot to BS headquarters. It plans to accelerate the robot business using the global sales infrastructure and capabilities of the BS Business division. BS corporate headquarters establishes the BS Research Center directly under the headquarters to develop future technologies and market leading products and solutions.

Korea Sales Headquarters has upgraded the rental business manager to the rental mall to strengthen the rental business and service solutions service.

The Institute of Production Technology is in charge of Vice President Chung Dae-hwa and also serves as the head of the Battery Production Technology Center. Vice President Jung was promoted to Vice President last year helping to internalize key technologies in battery equipment and improve manufacturing capabilities.

The Design Management Center is managed by Lee Cheol-bae, the head of the Advanced Design Research Institute.

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