Lee Jae-yong, promotion to president postponed to new year …


Samsung Electronics Vice President Lee Jae-yong is witnessing a trial for the destruction of the case

Samsung Electronics Vice President Lee Jae-yong is witnessing a trial for the destruction of the “Gukjeong Nongdan” case held at the Seoul High Court in Seocho-dong on the 9th. [연합뉴스]

Samsung Electronics will postpone the promotion of Lee Jae-yong’s (52) vice president to next year. It is expected that this will be possible at least after the procedure for revocation and repatriation of the Gukjeong Nongdan case is completed. The titles of group president are not received.

Some of Samsung “No rush. The return of the first board”

According to the business world on the 3, it is known that Samsung Electronics excluded Lee’s promotion from the review goals by executive staff later this year. In fact, on the 2nd, the day before, the personnel of Samsung’s electronics division (including the vice president) did not have Lee’s name. In the set division of Samsung Electronics, Lee Jae-seung, head of the home appliances division, and in the parts division, including semiconductors, Lee Jeong-bae, new head of the memory division and Choi Si-young, new foundry division chief, were only promoted. president.

There is also an opinion within Samsung Electronics that “Vice President Lee should return to the board of directors before taking office as president”. As Samsung Electronics is a world-class IT company at the level of Apple and Microsoft (MS), the goal is for the head of the board to directly evaluate its management performance in line with the global standard. Vice President Lee renounced his re-election when his term as an internal administrator (three years) ended last October.

Hwa-jin Kim, a professor at Seoul National University who is the author of a book on corporate governance, “Ownership and Management,” said: “It’s a matter of decision alone, but leave the position of the president of Samsung blank. Electronics is undesirable in terms of business management. ” “The best way is to go back to the registered director first and then to the presidency,” he explained.

A similar case can be found in the Hyundai Motor group. Eui-sun President Eui-seon (50) personally announced in March of this year to internal and external registered directors: “I will assume the position of chairman of the board of directors for responsible management.”

The prospect of discussion after President Lee Kun-hee’s 49th reign

Some at Samsung also predict that the promotion of Vice President Lee Jae-yong to President will be seriously discussed after the late President Lee Kun-hee’s 49th session. His close relatives, including Vice President Lee and his mother, Hong Ra-hee, former director of the Leeum Museum of Art, and his younger sister Lee Bu-jin, president of Hotel Shilla, and Lee Seo-hyun, president of Samsung Welfare Foundation, will participate in the 49 days of the deceased in a temple in Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul.

First of all, Vice President Lee Jae-yong intends to focus on the decision to quash Gukjeong Nongdan’s case with his lawyers. Vice President Lee’s decision to dismiss the Gukjeong Nongdan case was set for the 21st. In the legal profession, it is stipulated that there will be a sentence in January next year before the judges’ staff.

The Compliance Committee held a meeting in December

The Samsung Compliance Committee, one of the elements of Lee’s conviction as revealed by the court, held a regular meeting on the 3rd. This is the last regular meeting before the court judges whether the Samsung Compliance Committee is effective or not. On the 7th, four days later, three members, including former constitutional judge Kang Il-won, former prosecutor Kim Gyeong-soo and accountant Hong Soon-tak, will attend the trial for the dismissal of Lee’s case and will express their views on the Samsung Compliance Committee. Vice President Lee also attends the hearing on this day.

Reporter Kim Young-min [email protected]

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