Lambos, Bling and Mansions – What the crypto millionaires buy


One of the most debated topics on cryptocurrencies is what people can actually buy with Bitcoin and its altcoin brothers.

With Bitcoin's tenth birthday just around the corner, it's worth taking a look at some of the most outrageous and expensive things people have been able to buy with BTC.

We have certainly come a long way from the infamous Bitcoin pizza accident, in which Laszlo Hanyecz ordered two pizzas from Papa John's for 10,000 BTC in 2010. It goes to show how much progress has been made in eight years – especially when you have a look at how much you would pay for the same two pizzas with Bitcoin today.

Given the gradual growth in Bitcoin's value over the years, the first users who have taken their hands on large sums of cryptocurrency have found themselves with an incredible amount of wealth over the past two years.

Some may have sold their Bitcoin, while others have adopted the mantra & # 39; hodl & # 39 ;. However, with the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies, people have been open to selling real goods, from cars to islands, for a slice of the proverbial encrypted cake.

We explore the wide variety of land assets that people can buy with their cryptocurrency assets.

  When Lambo "src =" "title =" When Lambo "/> </h2>
<h2 dir= When Lambo? [19659009] Every cryptic passionate has familiar with the phrase "When Lambo" as the luxury vehicle has somehow become a cult icon for the encrypted billionaires, who bought sports cars with their crypto-wealth.

While a Lamborghini may be the goal, people have been able to purchase a wide range of vehicles, from economical two-or five-stroke cars to luxury sports cars, with cryptocurrency for some time.

A car dealership of luxury in Japan now accepts Bitcoin as a payment method through renowned cryptocurrency exchang and BitFlyer.According to the company, customers can easily pay for their next future vehicle in minutes – which certainly exceeds conventional means of purchasing vehicles, how to obtain financing through a bank.

While this dealership is carrying out a new payment model, it is not the first time that people have been able to buy cars with encryption. In December of last year, a Manchester car owner listed a gold-colored Rolls Royce on Autotrader, which could only be purchased with Bitcoin. BlockShow Asia 2017 has also provided the stage for BitCar to promote its platform, which allows people to buy and sell exotic cars like Lambos using cryptocurrency.

The last company to accept crypto payments is the American dealership Post Oak Motor Cars. The Rolls-Royce, Bentley and Bugatti dealership now accepts Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash from customers. Owned by billionaire Tilman Fertitta, the company offers customers this facility worldwide.

 Brick and mortal

Brick and mortar

Surprisingly, some people are even willing to accept the cryptocurrency for property, a class of activity that has historically considered a good deposit of wealth and investment.

particular section, there is a great division between what you can buy with cryptocurrency, from a modest house to an entire tropical island.

Starting with that piece of Caribbean paradise, a plot of Union Island in St. Vincent and the Grenadines the sale of Bitcoin at the end of last year was sold in Bitcoin, with owners asking for 570 BTC at the time.

Investors looking for real estate in the Middle East had the opportunity to buy a number of apartments in Dubai. A pair of British businessmen listed 50 luxury apartments for sale in Bitcoin in February this year, and incredibly all these properties have been sold. Incredibly, one of the investors bought 10 properties with Bitcoin.

We have also seen a number of villas for sale all over the world, including a luxury villa in Notting Hill in London, with the investment company that sells the property

on the Atlantic Ocean, a Bitcoin's old investor listed his Miami villa for sale, making payment in Bitcoin an option for potential buyers.

It's not all a million dollar buildings, however, as a home in Grimsby, on the north coast of England, it was put up for sale for 18 BTCs in October 2017.

Bitcoin bling

For lovers of beautiful things in life, you can buy expensive jewelry with cryptocurrency.

Diamond retailer, Samer Halimeh New York, accepts jewelry encryption payments from September 2017.

The move is interesting, as it has been stimulated by an increase in demand from customers who want to buy jewelry worth more than $ 1 million.

Reeds is another American jewelry retailer who started accepting Bitcoin payments. Their offers go beyond simple conventional jewelry, as customers are able to buy gold and loose gold ingots with cryptocurrency.

This essentially allows cryptocurrency holders to diversify their investments, in case they choose to take a simpler way by buying traditional stores of value such as gold and diamonds.

Book your place

Bitcoin has also been used by some to buy a large variety of tickets, from big events to old coupons.

At the start of this year, an American NFL fanatic was able to purchase front-row tickets for the Super Bowl through an online platform. The transaction cost $ 19,000, which at the time was 2.2 BTC and the website that facilitated the purchase made a special effort to accept the cryptocurrency for the first time.

Those who have been bitten by the travel bug and have a considerable amount of Bitcoin in their possession can also travel the world using their cryptocurrency.

CheapAir is a popular site that offers customers the ability to pay their airfares using Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash and Litecoin.

While we on the subject of travel, some of the richest in the world were fortunate enough to attend the annual blockchain summit of the world-renowned entrepreneur Richard Branson on his own Necker Island.

The Necker Blockchain Summit is an invitation-only event that brings together some of the greatest minds to innovate and promote the growth of blockchain technology worldwide.

If you want to see where the richest people in the world are – including the encrypted Illionaires – go out, check out the prestigious list of Cointelegraph.

Knowledge is power

Perhaps one of the most intriguing ways to spend cryptocurrency is by enrolling at a university and then paying college tuition with Bitcoin.

 Knowledge is power "src =" "title =" Knowledge is power "/> </p>
<p>  La Cumbria University in England has allowed students to pay their education with Bitcoin since 2014. Cointelegraph has confirmed that this payment option is still available, although the popularity of the option has declined in recent years. </p>
<p>  L & # 39; University of Nicosia in Cyprus was the first in the world to offer students the opportunity to pay taxes with Bitcoin. </p>
<p>  You can also do the same at the European School of Management and Technology, which has started accepting BTC payments in the 2017. </p>
<h2>  More of the same to come? </h2>
<p>  A common theme in the arguments against the adoption of cryptocurrency has been the obvious barrier to entry when it comes to the daily use of digital currencies. </p>
<p>  Many s they argue that it is difficult to actually use cryptocurrency for everyday items like grocery shopping or other humble expenses. </p>
<p>  While this may be the case, there have been movements in the right direction in all kinds of places. For example, the ever-increasing number of cryptocurrency ATMs, which allow people to withdraw cash in exchange for cryptocurrencies, makes it possible to use your crypt to pay for goods quickly enough. </p>
<p>  In addition, ATM cryptocyte is expected to grow exponentially over the next five years, according to reports released in September. </p>
<p>  While cryptographic markets have passed a year of testing so far, these types of developments show that there is a constantly growing consumer market trying to actively use cryptocurrency to pay off payments. </p>
<p>  Whether it's cars, properties, flights or a ticket to the Super Bowl, cryptocurrencies may have been the answer for some. The only question is when this will turn into a daily phenomenon. </p>
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