The CEO of KFC Venezuela, Antonio Sampayo, denied a recent one ad Monday, December 10 will begin the acceptance of the main reports Criptonoticias of altcoin Dash (DASH), in Spanish.
Sampayo explained that KFC had discussed a cryptographic test with Dash, but the contract has not yet been finalized. He also said that processing payments with Dash "is not a fact, nor has it been authorized to publish any news about it".
Tuesday, December 11, Dash Merchant – Venezuela published an audience sorry in his Twitter account, which reads:
"Unfortunately, the message released was premature and reflects our optimism instead of the current phase of our discussions with KFC Venezuela.We apologize for the mistake and we would like to apologize to KFC Venezuela, its directors and the public in general. "
Dash Merchant also made clear that he is negotiating to test DASH payments in the municipality of Chacao, in Caracas, but the plan has yet to be approved by KFC Venezuela.
The news and apologies came shortly after the PR and DashNews media director Mark Mason published a Tweet on December 7, he said that KFC Venezuela would start accepting Dash payments the following week.
The video attached to the tweet said that the capital of the country, Caracas, will be the first city to test an encrypted payment system in one of its largest KFC restaurants with another 24 KFC establishments across the country.
According to the announcement, more than 2,400 merchants in Venezuela accept Dash, including other major fast food chains such as Subway and Papa John & # 39; s. According to a recent Forbes report, Alejandro Echeverría, co-founder of Dash Help, Dash Merchant Venezuela and Dash Text, the Venezuelans use Dash because it provides a simple method to complete payments. He also said that cryptocurrency was primarily used by small family businesses before spreading to larger companies.
In August, Dash Core Group CEO Ryan Taylor revealed that Venezuela had become the second market for Dash, with nearly a hundred merchants accepting cryptocurrency every week.
At the beginning of 2018, KFC Canada presented a new menu item called "Bitcoin Bucket", which could only be purchased with Bitcoin (BTC).
With further reports by Helen Partz
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