Key to the oil and gas industry for the development of blockchain


We found Dan Shingler's novel of November 26, "Heavy Load Heavy Loads", and a great opportunity to talk about the development of blockchain technology in Ohio.

The oil and gas energy education program of Ohio is encouraging Bernie Moreno and the over 1,000 launches of the Blockland Cleveland initiative. As technology and business leaders gather in Cleveland for the Blockland Solutions Conference this week, the oil and gas industry of Ohio is vital to their efforts.

Blockchain is a new technology that allows you to manage data securely through a decentralized network of information systems or servers. Being one of the energy-intensive industries that exists today, the blockchain's success margin is based almost exclusively on access to an economic and abundant energy. The tremendous potential of the shale development of Ohio in our region should be one of the major factors that push blockchain industry leaders to invest in locations like Cleveland, Columbus and Pittsburgh.

The production of natural gas from our shale fields, the ability to transfer these supplies to the market, forward-thinking partners, a skilled workforce and a wide range of other business benefits make our region the place to invest.

Because Cleveland becomes a center of blockchain, the Ohio natural gas industry and the Shale Crescent region should shine as a world leader in the production of affordable and abundant natural gas.

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