
KB Financial Group (President Jong-gyu Yoon) announced that it has been included in the world index for the fifth consecutive year in the 2020 Dow Jones Sustainability Management (DJSI) Index published by the US Dow Jones S&P Index. It also ranked second in the global banking sector and first in Korea.
KB Finance has been added to the worldwide index, the highest DJSI rating for five consecutive years since 2016.
After being selected as the best ESG company by the Korea Corporate Governance Service in October, it ranked first in the domestic banking sector by the DJSI World index, and took the top spot in the banking sector in all prestigious ESG assessments at home and abroad.
In the banking sector of the DJSI World Index 2020, only 25 financial companies have been established worldwide, including global financial institutions such as Santander (Spain), BNP Paribas (France), ABN AMRO (Netherlands) and National Bank of Australia (Australia ).
A KB Financial Group official said: “The incorporation of the DJSI World Index has been recognized by a credible external agency for the result of actively promoting ESG management.” In order to make positive changes in our society and our environment in the future, in line with the status of a leading ESG company. I’ll try, ”he said.
Reporter Jaesik Gil osolgil@etnews.com
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