KB Finance, Chairman Jong-gyu Yoon, Chairman Heo In 3 consecutive years … Non-executive director recommended by the Musan union


KB Financial Group President Yoon Jong-gyu and KB Kookmin Bank President Huh In have confirmed the “three consecutive terms” side by side. The two external directors recommended by the Kookmin Bank union failed to join the board of KB Financial Group.

▲ KB Financial Group Extraordinary General Meeting was held at KB Kookmin Bank’s headquarters in Yeouido on the 20th. [KB금융지주 제공]

KB Finance held the 2020 Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on the 4th floor of Kookmin Bank Yeouido headquarters on the 20th.

Following the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, the first agenda “Appointment of executive directors (candidate executive director Jong-Gyu Yoon)” and no. 2 “Appointment of other non-executive directors (other candidate non-executive director Heo In)” were approved as an original draft. .

President Yoon was able to reconfirm for the first time in 2017 since taking the helm of KB Finance since November 2014, and this time he has confirmed his three consecutive appointments. President Yoon’s new term is three years until November 2023.

President Huh took office on November 20, 2017, and after completing his two-year term, he continued to work for a year and then confirmed that he will continue to work today. Heo’s next term is approximately one year and four months until the ordinary shareholders’ meeting in March 2022. If President Huh meets his entire next term, his term will last four years and he will become the longest-serving president of Kookmin Bank. . Kang Jeong-won, who has served for nearly four years, breaks the record of the former president of Kookmin Bank.

▲ Jong-gyu Yoon (left), chairman of KB Financial Group and chairman Huh In, head of KB Kookmin Bank, who have confirmed three consecutive terms side by side. [KB금융지주 제공]

President Yoon Jong-gyu and President Heo In receive over 97% of huge support

During this day’s shareholders’ meeting, Chairman Yoon said about the future direction of management: “As a lifelong financial partner, the capabilities of the group are used to leap forward to become a company.” . 1 Financial Group “and” No. 1 Financial Platform “loved by customers the most. I will focus.”

Then, “Innovation of business models based on core competitiveness, innovation of the financial platform that customers can use more easily and quickly, expansion of global expansion to ensure engines of sustainable growth, expansion of social value creation and creativity through ESG (environmental, social, governance) management. “We will focus on promoting evolution in an open and open organization.”

Previously, KB Finance established the “ESG Committee” within the board of directors in March and September, the first Korean financial group to declare “coal financing” as a financial group that fulfills environmental and social responsibilities, assuming the ESG management guide. I have been guilty.

▲ Results of the temporary shareholders’ meeting of KB Financial Group in 2020. [KB금융지주 제공]

However, the agenda for appointing external directors such as Professor Yoon Soon-jin of Seoul National University Graduate School of Environment and Ryu Young-jae, CEO of Sustin Best, did not cross the threshold of the shareholders’ meeting. KB Financial Group’s Employee Stock Ownership Association recommended them as candidates for external directors, saying, “Experts in the environment, society and governance (ESG)” through a shareholder proposal in September.

During this day’s extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, the 3rd agenda “Appointment of external director (Candidate external director Yoon Soon-jin)” and the 4th agenda “Appointment of external director (Candidate Youngjae Ryu)” were rejected. The agenda n. 3 received only 4.62% of the shares present and the agenda no. 4 only 3.80% of the votes.

▲ Yoon Jong-gyu, chairman of KB Financial Group, is chairman of the extraordinary general meeting of KB Financial Group shareholders held on the 20th at KB Kookmin Bank’s headquarters in Yeouido. [KB금융지주 제공]

President Yoon’s proposal “The director recommended by the union also joins the” KB financial talent pool “

With KB Finance’s Board of Directors opposing all these external director appointments, ISS, the world’s largest voting rights consultant, and the Korea Corporate Governance Service (KCGS), the largest rights consultant voting in Korea, they also expressed opposition to the two external directors recommended by the union. Recently, the national pension system (9.97%), the largest single shareholder, expressed opposition.

Until now, the KB Financial Group employee share ownership association has been preparing for a confrontation by increasing its stake from 1.34% to 1.73%, but it has not been enough.

Chairman Yoon, who served as chairman of the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, said: “Instead of KB Financial Union directly presenting the external directors recommended by the union as an agenda to the general meeting of shareholders, the directors recommended by the union, like other directing candidates, they have joined the talent pool managed and managed by KB Financial Group. “We will receive a recommendation based on the governance structure of KB Financial Group through the same shareholder verification.”

▲ Aerial view of KB Financial Group’s new integrated office building in Yeouido, Seoul. [KB금융지주 제공]

This year, KB Financial Group has secured new growth engines and led digital innovation, while ensuring continued growth engines by expanding non-bank portfolios even in a situation where uncertainty continues in the domestic and foreign financial markets caused by Corona 19. It is estimated that he did.

UPI News / Reporter Park Il-kyung ek.park@upinews.kr

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