Jewish minorities in the Arab world: between historical facts and perspectives of the authors of the Umm Haroun series (1)


In two previous articles, I talked about the perspective of the creators of the Zionism series Umm Haroun through a scene where a dialogue took place between Mullah Abdul Salam and his wife in the episode (18) where this scene stopped me, and another scene is the subject of my article, with its three parts, and the scene is in the police station, and in it Mulla Abdul Salam Rabbi Dowad, an English police officer, translator of the agent’s words into Arabic.

The officer asks them the reasons for their quarrel and the mullah replied: “We are afraid because I have the nerve of your daughter and they are getting married well.”

The translator is the Kuwaiti who translates the words of the English officer: Why are you confused when you come from the same place?

Al-Mulla: How can we locate the origin of this lineage? I am not honored.

Rabbi: Honorable officer, I am not honored. Let me tell you, I understand you, we live in a place that contradicts, everyone knows who is his and who is on him, but we, or a thousand no, we, or officer, who has been with us and with them for long years, you do not see anything new, for A long time since the days of Khaybar until now and we are under injustice and insult, a marriage no .. Our blood does not mix with theirs, translated for him, he said it with pride and nose , and the mullah did not answer with a word, as if what the rabbi said were true !!!

These expressions do not differ in their content from this sentence: In Yemen, Jews have lived since their expulsion from Hijaz in the seventh century and for centuries have been subjected to severe torture and discrimination by the Islamic government. “These sentences are from the Islamic government.” Israeli Zionist, Zvi Jabbai in his article that was published on the website of the Israeli Foreign Ministry and published on 27/6/2017 with the title “The ethnic cleansing of the Jews of Arab countries in the light of the Arab-Israeli conflict”.

What is this amount of historical inaccuracies given by the Jewish rabbi, and Mullah Abdul Salam was unable to answer all these errors, as if he had no arguments, and accepted the validity of what he said? Why didn’t he deny what the rabbi said?

Has the issue gone so far as to undermine the Messenger, that God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and that what happened in benevolence, injustice and insult to the Jews, continues until now?

There is a truth that needs to be clarified about what Jews do in the countries they go to before I respond to what the rabbi said. After Titus’ attack in the year 70 AD against the Jews in Palestine, the fleeing remnants of the Jews met in El-Arish after studying their matter, and swore before their departure and their exiled diaspora and isolation “Diaspora” On five principles remained the constitution of their work, and they are still stars that guide them to mislead them and mislead other gentiles, and these principles are:

– To stay alert to their religion, no matter how hard they stumble upon that.

To keep in mind their language and whatever language they may be forced to learn.

– To stay in constant contact with each other, regardless of the distance to the apartment and separate paths.

– To work with all means available to return to the Promised Land and say every morning: “I have crippled my right hand if I forgot you, O Jerusalem”.

Work to corrupt all peoples of the earth by any means possible.[داود سنقراط: جذور الفكر اليهودي ص 129، 130]

These five princes that the Jews carried with them, and they were spread all over the country to work with them, and the roots of the princes were the direct cause of all the evils and expulsions that the Jews were subjected to as they spread into exile in every place where they practiced their crimes and shame, some of them went to the Arabian Peninsula They resided in Taima, Wafdak, Khaybar, Yathrib and Najran until Islam arrived and evacuated them from it, after fighting the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and they returned him, and they tried to kill him twice, and more than once they tried to stir up sedition among the ranks of Aws and Khazraj (the migration of Baath), remembering them the Baath migration. Years of promise, the most famous and bloody battle between Al-Aws and Khazraj, and it is known that Khaybar was the breeding ground of intrigues and conspiracies, and the center of fomented wars.

After their departure from Khaybar during the reign of Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, some of them went to Iraq, some to the Levant and others to Egypt, and none of them went to the Persian Gulf, and some of them went to they spread to the Mediterranean coasts to the north and south in North Africa and to the Greek, Roman, French, Spanish and commercial cities such as Naples, Genoa, Venice and Marseille, but almost did not settle in the places where they settled until were persecuted by their crimes and shame, and the hatred of the people is not just as they claim, as they were finally expelled from England in 1275 AD and expelled from France in 1306 AD, From Saxony in 1348 AD, from Hungary in 1360 AD and in 1582 AD, from Belgium in 1444 AD, from Spain in 1492 AD, from Lithuania in 1495 AD, from Portugal in 1498 AD, from Italy in 1540 and from Bavaria in 1551 AD, and were expelled from Germany and Poland. And central Europe in the period do between the first and second world war.[المرجع السابق: ص 132]

And Arab countries have hosted them and their hospitality has improved, and some of them have held leadership positions, including ministerial positions in Iraq and Morocco. After the fall of Islamic rule in Granada, Jews were better off than converting to Christianity or immigration, so those who chose immigration moved their large numbers to Portugal and Morocco, but other numbers moved to the Balkans and in the lands. The Ottoman state and from there to the Levant, especially Damascus, and the Jews who went to Morocco occupied high positions in the Almoravid and Almohad era, and were not isolated within “ghettos” because the state gave them freedom in managing their internal affairs, and no one was able to distinguish between a Jew and a Muslim, but the Jews spoke. On the alleged persecution without indicating the causes. As for the Jews in Egypt, they were one of the largest Jewish communities in the Arab world and the most influential, open and participating in various fields of modern Egyptian society.

As for the Gulf Arab states, none of them immigrated from them, as the migration of minorities to (Oman, Kuwait and Bahrain) took place during the British Mandate period. They left Al-Ahsa before the Zionist occupation of Palestine.

Relevance of Hadith.

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