It was Muddy Waters’ open-air collection: Nearly 90% of YY’s real-time revenue data was suspected of slips


  1. Muddy Waters shortens the era of collection: nearly 90% of YY’s real-time revenue data was suspected by Slips_ 中国 经济 网 —— 中国 经济 网China Economic Net
  2. Muddy Waters Short YY Full text: A virtual kingdom made up of robotsSina
  3. Market News | After Baidu spent 23.6 billion to buy YY, the short arrived: almost all the revenues from live broadcasts were fake36kr
  4. Huanju Group Responded to Muddy Waters Short Report: Full of Ignorance About Live Broadcasting Industry and Live Broadcasting Ecology-Latest NewscnBeta
  5. Huanju Responded to Muddy Water Short Sale: Please Show Us Baidu Has True Morality and Respect for the LawSina
  6. View the full report on Google News
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