It is now possible to send and receive Litecoin via SMS

The Litecoin Summit 2018 hosted by the Litecoin foundation went smoothly and flooded various media and social media channels with tons of positive information and announcements. One of these is really extraordinary and it is worth following it – thanks to it is now possible to send and receive Litecoin via SMS.

This idea was already presented by Zulu Republic team as & # 39; soon to be released & # 39; tool on August 9, 2018, but nothing has really been confirmed or presented up to now. A photo leaked from the Litecoin Summit 2018 clearly shows the confirmation of live. currently will only be available in the United States, but other countries will soon be included.

How does it work?

With a simple SMS or Telegram message, you can check the Litecoin balance, reveal a receiving address for incoming transactions and send money to anyone with a mobile phone number, telegram account or Litecoin address.

All transactions are then available on the public blockchain where they can be easily verified. For an in-depth explanation proceed to the official website .

64% of the human population has mobile phones in general which means that there are about twice as many people with SMS functionality as those with mobile Internet .

This gives us a huge opportunity to open cryptocurrency access to a much larger segment of the global population, including the most disadvantaged among us.

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