“It has become a solo stage for Korean parties,” sighs the Japanese press after opening iPhone 12


When the recently released iPhone 12 was taken apart and the price of parts by country accounted for the total cost, the Korean product ranked first with 27%, according to Japanese media reports on 21st. Japanese media have pointed out that the gap with Japan has widened more than that of the iPhone 11.

Looking at the proportion of parts of the iPhone 12,
Korean 27.3%, Japanese 13.2%
The difference is wider than on the iPhone 11
“The solo performance of Korea’s OLED power plant”

On the afternoon of the afternoon of the 20th, when the iPhone 12 Mini and Pro Max were officially released in Korea, customers are testing the device at the Frisbee Myeongdong store in Jung-gu, Seoul. [연합뉴스]

On the afternoon of the afternoon of the 20th, when the iPhone 12 Mini and Pro Max were officially released in Korea, customers are testing the device at the Frisbee Myeongdong store in Jung-gu, Seoul. [연합뉴스]

Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei) analyzed the iPhone 12 teardown investigation by Japanese IT research firm Formal Hout Techno Solution, and the cost of the device was $ 373, of which 27.3% made in Korea, on 25 , 6% in the United States and 13.2%. It turned out that the Japanese occupied each.

Compared to the iPhone 11 released in the fall of last year, the proportion of products made in Korea increased by 9.1 percentage points, but decreased by 0.6 percentage points in Japan and by 0.2 percentage points in the United States. .

Against the backdrop of the progress of Korean-made parts, Nikkei said, there is a change in the display. This is because Apple has fully adopted organic EL panels (OLEDs) instead of liquid crystal panels for all 12 series models. It is said that in the iPhone 12, which costs $ 373, OLED panels account for around 20% to $ 70 for sheet. It’s the most expensive part of the iPhone 12. Of course, Samsung, the strongest in the world in the OLED field, liked the special iPhone 12.

The fireball was shot with a Japanese company. Japan Display (JDI), which used to be Apple’s main display supplier, went “ zero ” in the 12 series. Up until the 12th series, Apple had only installed OLED panels on flagship models.

Nikkei explained that “OLED was originally developed by Japan, like Sony and Pioneer, but has since been pushed out of the investment competition with Korea and has now become the sole stage of Korean manufacturers.” Additionally, Korean companies have shown strong strength in expensive parts above $ 10, such as Samsung in flash memory and SK Hynix in DRAM.

In Japan, Sony’s camera image sensor and Murata’s Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor (MLCC) stood out. However, the cost of an image sensor is only $ 7.4 to $ 7.9 per unit, and hundreds of capacitors used in one terminal are only a few dollars.

The Nikkei conveyed the Japanese industry atmosphere in a sense of crisis. Coupled with the observation by US market research firm IDC that the number of shipments in the global smartphone market this year will drop by about 12% from the previous year, a sigh from a component maker executive said. : “Apple’s demand for price cuts will be fierce and the profit margin will be lower.”

Reporter Lee Geun-pyeong [email protected]

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