Israel intends to ask the United Nations to recognize the “Jewish refugees” of Arab countries


Gilad Ardan, the Israeli permanent representative to the United Nations, said he intends to table a draft resolution in the international organization calling for the recognition of “Jewish refugees from Arab countries”.

This happened in an article published by Ardan in the newspaper “Israel Hayom” entitled “The Abraham Agreements: an opportunity to help Jews in Arab countries”.

In the introduction to his article, the Israeli ambassador said: “You will not hear their story in the European Union meetings and you will not find their photos hanging in the exhibits in the corridors of the United Nations. This is 850,000 Jewish refugees expelled from the countries. Arabs and Iran “.

He added: “As for the United Nations, they are refugees who can be” forgotten. “But not for us. After the failure to prevent the establishment of the state of Israel, and as part of the Arab anger over the November 29 decision. (the decision to partition Palestine in 1947), the Arab countries launched a war that was not. Not only against the nascent Jewish state, but also against the prosperous and peaceful Jewish communities that lived within it. “

Ardan said that “entire communities in Morocco, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iran and other countries have been” wiped out “, along with a heritage, culture and history spanning thousands of years.

The Israeli diplomat launched an attack against the international organization, saying: “The United Nations has done nothing, nor has it allowed the recognition of the terrible injustice inflicted on our brothers who have been killed, attacked and plundered by Arab countries”.

He continued: “In the decades following the expulsion of Jews from these countries, the United Nations worked to help only the” Palestinian refugees “.

He went on to say, “I see this as a moral duty for Israel and myself to face and correct the injustice suffered by our brothers and sisters who have been expelled. As Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations and for a deep commitment to towards them, I will work to consolidate the issue in the awareness of the international community “.

“Therefore, I have decided to take the position (on July 5, 2020), to conduct an international diplomatic campaign to pass a resolution in the UN General Assembly recognizing Jewish refugees from Arab countries and Iran,” Erdan said. .

And he felt that the aim of the proposal “is not to clash with our neighbors, but to achieve justice and equality in the world’s position against the terrible injustice inflicted on our people”.

“I intend to submit the resolution to the United Nations Secretariat soon and to use the relationships I have already established with many ambassadors to gain broad support,” he added.

And Ardan added: “If the international community is to promote an opportunity for peace between us and our neighbors, it must recognize the historical truth and the injustice suffered by Arab Jews. For decades “.

He concluded his article by saying, “The Abraham Accords also represent a bright spot for the thousands of Jews who remained in Arab countries. The rapprochement between Israel, Bahrain and the Emirates, and hopefully other Arab countries soon, will encourage the leaders of the Arab world to support existing Jewish communities and allow them to preserve their culture. Proudly and fearlessly. “

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