“Incredible”: Meteor flashes brightly before breaking into the sky off the coast of Tasmania


A research ship traveling on the Tasmanian coast captured footage of a meteorite entering Earth’s atmosphere. According to the statement, the meteor was green and was spotted by the bridge crew and reported to the scientific personnel on board. The meteor was captured by a live streaming camera, which captures live view from the ship 24/7.

The meteor breaks into the sky

According to the statement, CSIRO Voyage Manager aboard RV investigator John Hooper said it was just sheer luck that allowed them to capture this footage. He said: “What we saw looking at the live stream footage stunned us, the size and brightness of the meteor was incredible. The meteor crosses the sky directly in front of the ship and then breaks down – it was amazing to watch the footage and we’re were very lucky to have captured everything on the ship’s live stream ”.

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The CSIRO astronomy and space science scientist said this incident is a reminder that space is not empty. He said: “Over 100 tons of natural space debris enters the Earth’s atmosphere every day. Most are not seen as it occurs in an unpopulated area such as the Southern Ocean. When a meteor enters the earth’s atmosphere at high speed, it is the friction of the rock with the atmosphere that causes them to burn, as their kinetic energy is converted into other forms such as heat, light and sound ”. He further stated that many meteoroids were asteroids traveling in space according to their trajectory. However, this can change when they enter the Earth’s atmosphere. This is how they become meteoroids and can be “visually spectacular”.

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(Image by RV Investigator. Credit: CSIRO)

(The position of the Investigator at the time the meteor was filmed. Credits: CSIRO)

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(Image credits: Twitter / @ AusSpaceAgency)

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