In two years, both total exports and average daily exports have increased. IT boom in semiconductors


The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy said in November that exports increased by 4% compared to the same month last year, reaching 45.8 billion dollars.

Monthly exports continued to decline for six consecutive months from March to August due to the aftermath of Corona 19, then increased by 7.3% in September and then morphed into a 3.8% decline in October.

The average daily value of exports, taking into account the number of working days last month, increased by 6.3%.

It is the first time since November 2018 that both total exports and average daily exports have increased.

Of the 15 export items, exports of 10 items increased, including semiconductors, displays and wireless communication devices, including six IT related items.

Automobile exports also increased for three consecutive months, and exports of bio-sanitary products, secondary batteries, cosmetics and agricultural and fisheries products were also positive.

Imports fell 2.1% to $ 39.88 billion and the trade balance was $ 5.93 billion, continuing a surplus for seven consecutive months.

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