Importance of Blockchain in e-commerce


select news_id, headline, source, image1, news_type, category_type from news_data where news_type = 2 and image1! = & # 39; & # 39; and category_type = 43 and news_id! = 2647 order by dateadded desc


(select news_id, headline, source, image1, news_type, category_type from news_data where news_type = 2 and image1! = & # 39; & # 39; and category_type = 43 and news_id! = 2647 order by dateadded limit limit 6) union (select news_id, headline, source, image1, news_type, category_type from news_data where news_type = 1 and category_type = 43 and image1! = & # 39; & # 39; and news_id! = 2647 order by dateadded limit limit 2)

Importance of Blockchain in e-commerce <! –-><! –-><! –->

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