“I’m shaking” … Yeouido Securities Market also ‘red light’ in the third fear of Corona 19


Amid the “third pandemic” of a new coronavirus infection in Korea (Corona 19), confirmed cases are appearing in various locations in Yeouido, Seoul, a densely concentrated financial district.

According to the financial investment industry on the 27th, an employee working at Mirae Asset Daewoo’s Yeouido office building in Seoul was tested positive for Corona 19.

Previously, on the 16th, an employee of the same office building in Yeouido was confirmed to be crown19 and the sense of crisis within the company grew even more.

Mirae Asset Daewoo closed the floor where the employee worked and asked employees on the same floor to undergo the Corona 19 test. In addition, meetings and outside activities of executives and staff members working at the headquarters of Euljiro and Yeouido.

On the 25th, an employee working at Hyundai Motor Securities in Yeouido and an employee working at Hanyang Securities headquarters were simultaneously confirmed, and the fear of Corona 19 at Yeouido Securities is spreading.

In this month, after 10 large-scale confirmed cases by Bukuk Securities appeared one after another, nearly 20 confirmed cases in related industries such as 63 Building, Hanwha Asset Management (1) and IFC KB Asset Management (1).

In particular, as securities firms, wealth management and financial institutions are concentrated and, given the nature of the industry, the possibility of additional risks is relatively high as they often work out of the office and meet face to face.

A related industry person said, “Before the end of the year, dinner meetings are absent, but lunch and team meetings still continue, so if more confirmed cases come up, tough corporate measures are in place.”

[김규리 기자 [email protected]][ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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