IFLA renews its confidence in the National Library of Qatar as a regional center for the preservation of heritage in the Arab world


This choice qualifies the National Library of Qatar to continue its leading role in coordinating the conservation and conservation of heritage materials in Arab countries and the Middle East.

This choice qualifies the National Library of Qatar to continue its leading role in coordinating the conservation and conservation of heritage materials in Arab countries and the Middle East.

IFLA has renewed its confidence in the National Library of Qatar by selecting it for another three years as IFLA Regional Center for Conservation and Conservation of Library Materials in the Arab Region and the Middle East.

This will allow the National Library of Qatar to continue to play a leading role in coordinating the conservation and conservation of heritage materials in Arab and Middle Eastern countries. In this role, the library will organize and coordinate capacity building programs and develop the best practices in the conservation of heritage materials in Qatar and in the Arab region, will also continue its efforts to promote awareness, conservation and maintenance of heritage issues between specialists and the general public.

"We are delighted to continue the trust of IFLA in the role of the Library as a regional center for the maintenance and conservation of library materials in the Arab region and the Middle East," said Stefan Ibig, Director of Library Conservation and Preservation at the National Library of Qatar. For the complete conservation of assets in Qatar and in the Arab region. "The library contains equipment and equipment at the forefront that will allow us to continue our efforts to promote awareness of the best ways to store books, documents and manuscripts."

The Library is carrying out several projects supporting the conservation of the documentary heritage of rare manuscripts in the Arab world, including a continuous 18-month project in collaboration with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. culture (UNESCO). The project focuses on heritage conservation in Arab countries and provides support in capacity building and professional development of specialists in the conservation and maintenance of library materials, and will also hold conservation and conservation courses and seminars in many Arab countries.

The IFLA Regional Center for the Conservation and Conservation of Library Materials in the Arab Region and the Middle East recently organized a training course in collaboration with UNESCO and the Moroccan Archives Foundation, entitled "Practical methods for 39. examination of library properties by scientific means "attended by a large number of maintenance specialists Books and manuscripts from various Arab countries including Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt and Morocco. The course dealt with the technical photography of heritage collections and spectral reflection technique to determine the dyes used, in addition to focusing on reflected spectroscopy, which is an advanced technique for determining the dyes used in manuscripts and paintings.

It is worth mentioning that the IFLA regional centers for the maintenance and conservation of library materials work to protect heritage in all its forms and forms and support global cooperation in this field.

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