Blockchain is here to stay – regardless of what your old and robust financial adviser says. The road ahead is quite hard, we are not lying; It is particularly rocky because there is so little adoption of blockchain-based technologies outside of very rigid fintech settings. The truth is, however, that corporate adoption can and will take startups en masse on the run of their lives.
The kinds of benefits that blockchain startups and enterprise-level companies can collect in this way is something you probably have not thought about before, but we have a number of reasons why blockchain and corporate adoption are the team-up you do not have never seen coming – and what you never knew you needed until now. In fact, that's why.
The business blockchain projects, once cooked and started, are almost always successful if the two entities interface together in new and innovative ways. A blockchain-based business network can take a number of different forms, after all, and if you're joining a non-profit organization, a board or some other type of consortium, you need a certain number of cooks in the kitchen and they all have need to work together. With companies usually more competitive than collaborative, this can be an obstacle to overcome.
However, network creation tends to work much more effectively when it comes to a collaborative effort. Instead of a one-sided approach in which you have a single founder who tries to recruit partners throughout the process, the use of an approach involving a business entity and a single start allows you to build networks much more easily . Without a competitive and contradictory relationship to overcome, and with both a blockchain startup and an enterprise-level company that brings different resources and expertise into the mix, the results are much simpler.
Blockchain startups are true believers when it comes to network success
There are other challenges that need to be addressed when you have a network led by a founder led by a large company. In this case, projects tend to fall between the cracks next to any number of initiatives that a large company could pursue simultaneously. Meanwhile, Blockchain's efforts are still so potentially disruptive and they face so many implementation challenges that a business partner might lose enthusiasm for such a project, due to this complexity, long before it was completed.
So where do the startups arrive? The singular and guided focus that the blockchain start-ups have is close to fanaticism. The blockchain startups are True Believers, dedicated to bringing a network to full profitability because they have nothing else on their agenda besides making it work. Without other business projects that require their attention – and with the life or death of the company that relies on the success of the network itself – a startup is completely dedicated to doing things right the first time. The optimized staff size and higher levels of motivation mean that blockchain startups have the power to overcome difficult points without giving up, producing results more efficiently.
When "hurry up and wait" is a good thing
Therefore, the blockchain start-ups are relentlessly focused on getting the job, regardless of what and companies are positioned to adopt methodical and slow approaches. It seems that combining the two is a disaster waiting for success, but the fact is that these seemingly diametrically opposed approaches combine quite well when it comes to building blockchain networks.
The smaller and more agile boot teams are highly adaptable and, as a result, attract high quality resources. Enterprise-level businesses are close at hand, with policies and processes to be followed. The combination of these two approaches means that an excessively moribund company can take advantage of the unstoppable push of a startup, while a startup can benefit from the types of quality control, resources and attention to detail. that companies use to develop versions of products in polished gems.
Fast downsizing leads to the dominant position on the market
At this point it is quite obvious that any case of blockchain use will only have a singular business network. This is, more or less, a foregone conclusion, thanks to competitive pressures on the market leading to a fight for primacy – a battle that is aggregated to the volume of transactions and network participants as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Company startup teams enable this process in otherwise impossible ways. Both blockchain start-ups and enterprise-level companies exploit the power of their respective spheres to drive adoption in unique ways for each, by exercising the most effective methods. The combination of these two approaches often leads to the rapid downsizing necessary to drive a blockchain network to the dominant position on the market.
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