I participated in a Covid vaccine trial and it’s making me surprisingly competitive | Coronavirus


WWhen I received a message from my GP telling me about a request for volunteers for a Covid vaccine trial, I must have been at a standstill. Before I knew it, I had filled out a questionnaire, answered a call and accepted. I talked to various loved ones about it, they all told me I was crazy. To be honest, when they asked me for the details of the process, I couldn’t tell them much because I hadn’t bothered to read the material. I took a quick look and it turned out that I had enrolled in a phase 3, randomized, observer-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a vaccine with recombinant protein nanoparticles. Sars-CoV-2 (Sars-CoV -2 rS) with Matrix-M1TM adjuvant. After clarifying this, I was disappointed that the barrage of questions did not subside. What are you thinking? Because you? I didn’t really have an answer for them other than: why not me? Someone has to do it.

Rather intoxicated by my selfless courage in this act of public service, I went to the hospital in Chelsea and Westminster at the appointed time. I must say that, upon my arrival, I felt a little deflated from the lack of ceremony. Rather, I was expecting a welcoming committee of an executive from a pharmaceutical company, a director of a hospital, and one or two doctors. But all I received, before being taken to a ward, was a request for photo ID and other forms to fill out. Soon a doctor appeared and asked me, “So why are you doing this?” This brought me back a bit, not least because I couldn’t give the honest answer which was: “Because I’m a great guy”. So I mumbled something about wanting to help out and we moved on.

Blood was drawn and prodded a bit before receiving a Covid test, some swabs to take home, and instructions on what to do if I had symptoms. Then I injected the vaccine or saline into my arm. I found the whole experience strangely fulfilling. The company is a small US business called Novavax. I feel like I’m on his team now, to the extent that I become competitive about it. When I read about the 95% success rates of other vaccines, I get a little sniffed. I am sure that, with me on board, we at Novavax can do better.

• Adrian Chiles is a Guardian columnist

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