Huawei's director on the Blockchain: a massive wave in 2019


From the release of "Huawei Blockchain White Paper" in April 2018, Huawei officially reported to enter the blockchain. As a world-class communications service provider, how does Huawei deal with blockchain from an ICT industry perspective?

On 28 December 2018, at the "2018 Shanghai Blockchain Conference and Blockchain Integration with the Real Economy Innovation Summit", Zhu Zhaohui, director of Huawei Blockchain Industry Development, delivered the speech "Building a reliable knowledge of everything" and accepted a & # 39; interview with 8BTC.

The Blockchain is not a completely new technology for Huawei

Zhu Zhaohui believes that, in essence, blockchain is not a completely new technology, it is only a logical reconstruction of some existing technologies, including cryptography, distributed books, smart contracts and so on.

Zhu Zhaohui during his speech

In March 2018, Huawei applied a patented invention that uses blockchain technology to support the verification function of the P2P content distribution network. Some media interpret this as Huawei's efforts to invest heavily in the blockchain.

"We will continue to update and present patents in the future, and some are already on the way," revealed Zhu Zhaohui.

Surely, the blockchain applies perfectly to the bilateral verification processes that bring value to society. Another case of use is the modification of the industrial chain. Reconstruction, which brings redistribution of value to industries. Zhu Zhaohui believes that this is a way to change human society.

The impact of Blockchain on ICT technology

From a technical point of view, it is possible to develop PC Internet and mobile Internet more blockchain to improve the Internet. By observing the technical mapping of DAPP, blockchain is actually a category of the higher level of application.

The use of blockchain technology will lead to an exponential increase in storage space and improved network bandwidth.

Existing Internet applications are purely software. The security, stability and efficiency of the value of the Internet system require the support of chip products with blockchain function, which will inevitably lead to the improvement of chip products.

What has changed is that the application of blockchain technology will have an impact on the ecology of applications in the business sector based on the Internet platform.

What remains unchanged is that the blockchain will not affect competition from the telecommunication network infrastructure providers, Internet hardware structures and operating system providers.

Blockchain development plans of Huawei in 2019

Huawei 2019 blockchain development strategies:

Digitization: Addressing the financial, government, energy, transport and other sectors, creating multiparty distributed registers, optimizing processes and improving efficiency;

Full Cloudization: creation of a reliable infrastructure based on Huawei and BCS cloud services, promoting the incubation of blockchain technology

Artificial intelligence: based on reliable data, combined with artificial intelligence for analysis and applied in vertical markets;

Network: creation of a self-organized IoT network to support M2M secure communication (machine and machine), M2M transaction and resource sharing.

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