Huawei: UK bans new 5G network equipment from September | Huawei


Telecom providers must stop installing Huawei equipment in UK 5G networks from next September, the government said.

Digital secretary, Oliver Dowden, has defined a roadmap to remove high-risk suppliers ahead of the telecommunications (security) bill to be presented to parliament.

The legislation would create national security powers that could impose controls on when – if at all – a telecom company might use material provided by companies like Huawei.

In the summer, the government announced that the Chinese company was to be banned from the most sensitive core parts of the UK’s networks.

It also said it plans to strip all Huawei equipment from 5G networks by 2027, decisions that would be sanctioned by law in the new bill.

But Dowden has now confirmed that operators must stop installing Huawei equipment in 5G networks from the end of September next year, with the exception of maintaining previously installed Huawei equipment.

It also published a 5G supply chain diversification strategy which outlines how the government will ensure that the UK “will never again depend on a handful of telecom providers.”

Dowden said, “Today I am setting a clear path for the complete removal of high-risk suppliers from our 5G networks.

This will be done through new and unprecedented powers to identify and ban telecommunications equipment that poses a threat to our national security.

“We are also publishing a new strategy to make sure we never again depend on a handful of telecom providers for the smooth and secure operation of our networks.

“Our plans will spur a wave of innovation in the design of our future mobile networks.”

The diversification strategy will see the government spend an initial £ 250 million to begin work on creating a more diverse, competitive and innovative telecommunications supply market.

It includes the creation of a research facility for the National Telecoms Lab, as well as investments in innovative open radio technologies.

On Tuesday, the parliamentarians will discuss the bill at second reading in the municipalities.

Under the legislation, security protocols around UK networks will also be enforced with fines – of 10% of turnover or £ 100,000 per day – for those who fail to meet the new standards.

Communications regulator Ofcom will be in charge of monitoring and evaluating security protocols between telecommunications providers.

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