HUAWEI Car Off Track, Stopping US Extreme Pressure | Blog post


Last week Huawei announced the sale of its Honor mobile phone business, but the plot is not straightforward, not because US sanctions on semiconductors are effective, but because it wants to play with the US. The turning point was Huawei’s entry into automobiles.

Huawei has released a smart electric vehicle solution.  (Online image)

Huawei has released a smart electric vehicle solution. (Online image)

It is an expert who proposed using the automotive industry to drive industrial technology and urbanization to promote the economy. It was Hitler, who became German Chancellor in 1933. He announced the construction of national highways and proposed the project for the “People’s Car”. The BBC recalled the historical report of the year: “This type of car must be able to carry two adults, three children, at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, and it must be cheaper, not more expensive than a motorcycle.” The goal is that every family in Germany can have it. Private car. World War II brought Germany to an end, but the United States brought social and economic prosperity through automobiles in the 1950s, followed by Japan.

It’s a shame that China has always been behind and hasn’t experienced the auto boom, and its technology is even more difficult to catch up with with Europe, the United States and Japan. In 1992, Chinese missile expert Qian Xuesen saw that China’s potential was starting to develop. He wrote to then Deputy Prime Minister Zou Jiahua about the prospects for domestically produced vehicles. He said that from the point of view of environmental protection, “the Chinese auto industry should skip the petrol and diesel phase and go directly to reducing environmental pollution. In addition, the size of the Chinese market has advantages (10 million of cars were produced in China in 1992 and an estimated 22.5 million in 2020). More importantly, it has entered the era of electric vehicles. At the same time, it is not much ahead of us. So the country must organize its forces and China has the ability to step forward and directly enter the new era of cars! “

The development of the automobiles is as Qian Xuesen planned. Environmental factors have put an end to fuel-driven vehicles. The automobile manufacturing technology accumulated by traditional car makers has no effect on electric vehicles. The king of electric vehicles is Tesla, founded less than 20 years ago. At Musk Under his leadership, he introduced new concepts in information technology and artificial intelligence to redefine electric vehicles as an “intelligent mobile terminal”, and major manufacturers have learned this too.

Ola Kaellenius, president of Daimler, the parent company of Pingzhi, said a few days ago that it will operate on the principle of iPhone manufacturing and provide software services to the market. It plans to launch automotive operating systems and related apps in 2024, allowing users to upgrade and become different at any time. Features. Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess said: “We will hire vendors who have provided us with software in the past. Volkswagen’s future business model is more like a mobile phone company.”

China is the largest automotive market. With Tesla’s most advanced technology installed in Shanghai, and all the traditional European and Japanese car factories are also located in China, when they all operate as an iPhone, what results do you expect to achieve? The situation is the same as Apple’s manufacturing in China, and China has become a global industrial supply chain. Thanks to the transfer of technology, domestic-produced mobile phones with ordinary technology have appeared in the best brands in the world, from Huawei to Xiaomi, OPPO and vivo.

Huawei goes on track, what countermeasures does Trump have?  (AP Image)

Huawei goes on track, what is Trump’s answer? (AP Image)

Huawei has identified a unique opportunity every hundred years and in October officially released the brand of intelligent car solutions HI (HUAWEI Intelligent Automotive Solution) with the vision of “bringing the digital world to every car”. It is reported that this new business is responsible for Huawei’s consumer business CEO Yu Chengdong, who is responsible for Huawei’s mobile phones and “Hongmeng” operating system. There is reason to believe that the sale of Huawei’s major mobile phone business Honor is a way to get rid of the pressure of the chip ban and gross about 100 billion yuan, which can be used to develop electric vehicle technology. including chips and software. Huawei’s target will be shifted from mobile phones to a larger mobile phone, “smart mobile terminals”. Not only does it promote the development of domestic cars, it also teaches the United States that it cannot take care of it and the extreme pressure becomes a blind ban. .


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