The new HTC blockchain compatible smartphone will support litecoin, said creator Charlie Lee.
Lee announced the news on Sunday adding that he was joining the development team of HTC Exodus as a consultant. The news comes just days after Lee claimed to have met Exodus' team last week. Lee also confirmed that the Exodus will support the Lightning network on litecoin natively.
Added a disclaimer that the Exodus will continue to support bitcoins.
HTC confirmed the news on Monday, saying the team was " honored " to have Lee as a counselor.
The Taiwanese electronics manufacturer announced the Exodus for the first time in May, saying it was developing the world's first cryptocurrency smartphone. The device will serve both as a mobile connection point to blockchain networks and as a storage device for major cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin and ethereum, as previously reported by CoinDesk.
HTC's cryptic chief officer Phil Chen told CoinDesk that the company hopes to start distributing the new phone by the end of the year, even if it has refused to provide a fixed date.
People interested in the early purchase of the Expo can participate in a pre-sale with bitcoin or ether, he said.
In July, HTC said the phone will also support the CryptoKitties mobile app.
HTC is not the only company working on a smartphone dedicated to blockchain: Sirin Labs recently raised $ 157 million in an initial offering to build the "Finney".
Image via Shutterstock
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