HPEC CEO, Dr. Leah Houston


Leah Houston, MD, CEO and founding partner of the HPEC blockchain healthcare platform provider in New York, discusses health identity platforms and how the blockchain can influence them in the future.

The answers have been slightly modified for clarity and length.

Question: where is now the blockchain in the health sector and how will it develop in 2019?

Dr. Leah Houston: Blockchain is still in its infancy. Many projects are still under development and most are owners. It is not clear to what extent most of the projects are, but we should learn within the next year or two that will come out in the future.

Q: What do you think will be the most significant blockchain applications in the healthcare sector over the next five years?

LH: The most important applications revolve around identity; the identity of patients, health systems, doctors and other doctors. Identity platforms will provide a mechanism for peer-to-peer data and the transfer of resources among all stakeholders. Payment platforms will allow supply chain management and price transparency between payers and suppliers of goods and services in all sectors, including health care.

In research and development, I hope to see the sharing of federated data in order to adequately reward contributions, while improving redundancy and waste in the biopharmaceutical research industry.

Q: What do the blockbenches of blockchain hospitals and healthcare systems know today?

LH: Blockchain technology will be applied in all sectors in a similar way to how the Internet has been applied across all sectors. Unlike the current system where progress is maintained, the most fruitful blockchain applications will be driven by the community and cooperation will lead to the most important progress.

To attend the future Becker question and answer session, contact Jackie Drees at jdrees@beckershealthcare.com.

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