Smartopolis of the 21st century Pixabay / Andrew L. Rossow
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's the Blockchain! same ring as Superman, but sure enough, aims to reach the digital equivalent.When Superman joined the Justice League, the chances that the forces of evil or bad actors would be able to catch the moment were minimal. Blockchain technology for users of the 21st century.
The 21st Century Superhero
In this case, Blockchain is the superhero and the societies and individuals he is useful to, is the city of Metropolis. apparently reaching the impossible by providing solutions to cybersecurity problems and long-standing efficiency, but its powers can be strengthened by combining it with other technologies and tools, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and robots.
So, what's the # 39; integration seems for our 21st ce ntury infrastructure?
A retail power platform
While more recent technology offers solutions that its predecessors do not have, it may not be able to solve every problem. However, when combined with other technologies, synergies tend to cover more of these problem areas. The strength is always in numbers, and I'm sure the Justice League would agree if they were using Blockchain technology to help feed the Hall of Justice.
Consumers can receive more transparent information about products so they know exactly what they are buying. The range of information available, including, but not limited to, the characteristics and history of & nbsp; along the supply chain, it helps to maintain quality control .
While there are several projects dedicated to automation management and supply chain tracking, a company I met, & nbsp; OSA DC & nbsp; is a decentralized AI-based blockchain platform that enables real-time data collection from retailers and consumers. The machine-learning system takes all of this data to quickly discover models along the supply chain, providing a customized strategy for that segment. This helps to minimize any annoyance or bad behavior that would try to decrease quality control.
Every member of the Justice League has its own ability or superpower that helps them make them valuable to the team. Well, with the Blockchain, the power of intelligent contract technology binds the parties involved in the transaction, establishing trust on a much larger scale. From a legal point of view, this is a change of game as the parties can not later declare that they do not agree with certain terms and / or provisions of an executed agreement. With the smart contract technology, you have agreed since the beginning, otherwise the contract is never executed and / or performed independently.
Above all, with all these moving parts, the A.I. mechanism is able to gather feedback from consumers, providing resellers with the information they need to re-embed their business model.
The evolution of & # 39; SmarterChild & # 39; and Chatbots Galore
For those millennials reading this, you might remember & # 39; SmarterChild & # 39; from your days on AOL or AIM. As a review, SmarterChild was a robot that lived on the list of friends of millions of AOL and AIM users, including me. For many of us, it was our first interaction with artificial intelligence. SmarterChild has allowed you to ask for movie schedules, weather updates or answers to stupid riddles you've come to terms with.
Even in the early 2000s the chat bots were all the rage. AOL and AIM have been killed with this technology. It was the first time that users were able to interact with someone or something that could give them immediate answers to the questions they asked.
Now, we are in the 21st century looking at his family tree at the new chatbots "," or bots. Working as simple A.I. the systems with which a user can interact via a keyboard, conversations are generally quite simple, as mentioned above. But they can also be designed with complexity, having the ability to solve a problem with the Internet service.
In 2018, we passed the days of SmarterChild and AIM . However, it is not surprising that text messaging is the number one mechanism for communication. According to a study by Twilio again in January, 89% of consumers prefer to use text messaging to connect with businesses.
So, why suddenly we see the explosion of robots in a world of social media and A.I. technology? Consumers want to bring the communication a step further by wanting something more than just communicating in one way with a company. Having the ability not only to receive information, but also the ability to replicate and / or engage in conversations with the company, makes chatbots even more attractive.
Users are tired of downloading separate mobile apps for everything they need. Users, including myself, want a simple "one-stop shop" for their weather, sports scores and any other requests they might have.
"[Users] are thinking, I do not want to download yet another application, especially if it does not need to be an" app, " said Matthew Hartman, head of the seed investment at Betaworks, the startup study behind & nbsp; Giphy and & nbsp; Bit.ly .
Service, marketing and customer involvement
According to Chatbots Magazine & nbsp; "Chatbots operating in various systems of instant message exchange are a growing trend that does not seem to show any sign of slowing in the near future." & Nbsp;
According to a study conducted by Facebook IQ, companies and their customers use the Facebook Messenger platform to exchange over a billion messages a month.
The research goes on to show that by the end of 2018, 78% of the world's smartphone users will send a message every month, and that they are expected to continue. By 2021, the global user base for mobile messaging applications is expected to increase by an additional 23%.
With great power, comes great responsibility
Although Spiderman belongs to the Marvel world and not the Justice League of DC, there is still a lot that we can learn from our web slinger. As these chatbots become more and more informed and advanced they will be able to provide further advantages by making their communication skills in various sectors seamless. All of this was done by trial and error – passing through support tests with customer support requests and marketing interactions.
One of the main fallbacks right now with technology is the processing of natural language. While it is still rudimentary, the future is promising. Chatbots will finally be able to understand and respond to complex requests from current and potential customers. & Nbsp;
The Age of & # 39; Smart-Opolis & # 39;
With more companies wishing to undertake digital transformation, cities have also begun to consider what this process could mean for key issues related to infrastructure, white-collar crime, cyber security, energy consumption and social issues .
What Is A & # 39; Smart City & # 39 ;?
A right question to ask, but which is even more difficult to answer. It is a broad and overwhelming concept for the average taxpayer who ultimately faces the bill for his associated projects. There is no universal definition of what a "smart city" is because entrepreneurs and leaders focus on different aspects of their municipality.
But, in its simplest form, if you try to define it, it is a designation given to a municipality that incorporates information and communication technologies that provide the improvement and enrichment of urban services through the use of of intelligent technology.
While it's definitely a trendy topic in our digital age, the question of how we get there, still remains unanswered.
Smart cities have the ability to reduce resource consumption, using IoT devices to optimize the use of electricity and water, reducing traffic congestion and air pollution by monitoring the traffic light and much more. At the end of the day, the Internet of Things (IoT) is able to improve our urban lifestyle by providing for the implementation of distributed computing for real-time data analysis and immediate action and response.
According to research McKinsey the smart city industry is expected to be a $ 400 billion market by 2020, with 600 cities around the world expected to generate the 60% of world GDP by 2025. A new group is currently working to bring at least 100 cities into a forum with the goal of implementing the "smart city standards" and linking them together for further benefits . & nbsp;
The Smart City Forum is a recently launched Collaboration by members of the TM Forum that includes seven cities working to help guide the creation of smart cities around the world. The initial cities with members in the new leadership of the forum are:
- Los Angeles
- Atlanta
- Bristol
- Toronto [19659045] Vancouver
- United Kingdom
- Lisbon
- Portugal
- Dublin
- Ireland
"There will be a huge digital divide between cities that take these innovative steps, like Atlanta, compared to other cities that resist change," said Carl Piva, vice president of strategic programs at the TM Forum. "These cities will remain behind in a couple of years."
Coin Telegraph offered four case studies on how blockchain, A.I. and IoT-related devices are helping to develop the cities of the future. Take Dubai for example. It is considered one of the most digitally progressive cities in the world. Implementing & nbsp; unmanned trains, automated sensors, flying taxis, solar panels and WiFi benches, this is a city that perhaps, a greedy futurist needs. The UAE authorities do not stop before its goal to turn Dubai into smart megapolis first blockchain by 2020.
Launch kryptonite in the equation
Ma at the end of the day, the Justice League had its internal vulnerabilities. While Superman has its own kryptonite, blockchain technology has its enormous energy consumption and scalability problems. Like all new technologies, there are always areas to be exploited. As we have seen, the extraction process requires a significant amount of energy consumption. But when all has been said, a team is as strong as its weakest link.
Blockchain technology is subject to other problems in particular the human element. We are not yet fully automated and, because of this, there is still a lack of understanding of the true potential that this technology entails, making it expensive and draining of energy. Here is where A.I. it enters, replacing the human element with machine learning to help efficiently enhance the Blockchain in economic ways. We are not trying to drain the cities of their resources and energies.
More importantly, blockchain technology can help to unravel the mysteries behind A.I., helping us to explain its very nature. At this time, most people associate A.I. with Hollywood adaptations such as the series Terminator or the Black Mirror by Netflix .
Not all technology has to turn on its creator, since we understand what we are creating to begin with. Now it's time to project our 21st century Justice League and find the best way to use them.
Smartopolis of the 21st century Pixabay / Andrew L. Rossow
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's the Blockchain! It might not have the same ring as Superman, but sure enough, aims to reach the digital equivalent.When Superman joined the Justice League, the chances that evil forces or bad actors would be able to catch the day was minimal, the same can apply to the Blockchain technology in reference to users of the 21st century
The 21st century superhero
In this case, Blockchain is the superhero and the companies and individuals benefit from it. It is the city of Metropolis: the Blockchain can apparently reach the impossible supplying solutions to long-standing security and efficiency issues, but its powers can be strengthened by combining it with other technologies and tools, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and bots.
So, what are you waiting for? or does it have integration for our 21st century infrastructure?
A retail power platform
While more recent technology offers solutions that its predecessors do not have, it may not be able to tackle any problem. However, when combined with other technologies, synergies tend to cover more of these problem areas. The strength is always in numbers, and I'm sure the Justice League would agree if they were using Blockchain technology to help feed the Hall of Justice.
Consumers can receive more transparent information about products so they know exactly what they are buying. The range of information available, including but not limited to origin, characteristics and history along the supply chain, helps to maintain quality control.
While there are several projects dedicated to the management and traceability of the automated supply chain, a company I met, OSA DC, is a decentralized blockchain platform led by the IA, which allows the real-time data collection from resellers and consumers. The machine-learning system takes all of this data to quickly discover models along the supply chain, providing a customized strategy for that segment. This helps to minimize any annoyance or bad behavior that would try to decrease quality control.
Every member of the Justice League has its own ability or superpower that helps them make them valuable to the team. Well, with the Blockchain, the power of intelligent contract technology binds the parties involved in the transaction, establishing trust on a much larger scale. From a legal point of view, this is a change of game as the parties can not later declare that they do not agree with certain terms and / or provisions of an executed agreement. With the smart contract technology, you have agreed since the beginning, otherwise the contract is never executed and / or performed independently.
Above all, with all these moving parts, the A.I. mechanism is able to gather feedback from consumers, providing resellers with the information they need to re-embed their business model.
The evolution of & # 39; SmarterChild & # 39; and Chatbots Galore
For those millennia reading this, you might remember & # 39; SmarterChild & # 39; from your days on AOL or AIM. As a review, SmarterChild was a robot that lived on the list of friends of millions of AOL and AIM users, including me. For many of us, it was our first interaction with artificial intelligence. SmarterChild has allowed you to ask for movie schedules, weather updates or answers to stupid riddles you've come to terms with.
Even in the early 2000s the chat bots were all the rage. AOL and AIM have been killed with this technology. It was the first time that users were able to interact with someone or something that could give them immediate answers to the questions they asked.
Now, we are in the 21st century looking at his family tree at the new "chatbots", or bots. Working as simple A.I. the systems with which a user can interact via a keyboard, conversations are generally quite simple, as mentioned above. But they can also be designed with complexity, having the ability to solve a problem with the Internet service.
In 2018, we passed the days of SmarterChild and AIM. However, it is not surprising that text messaging is the number one mechanism for communication. According to a Twilio study in January, 89% of consumers prefer to use text messaging to connect with businesses.
So, why suddenly we see the explosion of robots in a world of social media and A.I. technology? Consumers want to bring the communication a step further by wanting something more than just communicating in one way with a company. Having the ability not only to receive information, but also the ability to replicate and / or engage in conversations with the company, makes chatbots even more attractive.
Users are tired of downloading separate mobile apps for everything they need. Users, myself included, want a simple "one-stop shop" for their climate, sports scores and any other requests they may have.
"[Users] are thinking, I do not want to download yet another application, especially if it does not need to be an app," said Matthew Hartman, manager of seed investment at Betaworks, the startup studio behind Giphy and Bit.ly .
Service, marketing and customer involvement
According to Chatbots Magazine, "chatbots operating in various systems of instant message exchange are a growing trend [19659092] that do not seem to show any sign of slowing in the near future. "
According to a study conducted by Facebook IQ, companies and their customers use the Facebook Messenger platform to exchange over a billion messages to the month.
Research continues to show that by the end of 2018, 78% of smartphone users worldwide will send a message every month and this growth should continue. By 2021, the global user base for mobile messaging applications is expected to increase by an additional 23%.
With great power, comes great responsibility
Although Spiderman belongs to the Marvel world and not the Justice League of DC, there is still a lot that we can learn from our web slinger. As these chatbots become more and more experienced and advanced, they will be able to provide additional benefits by making their communication skills in various areas seamless. All of this was done by trial and error – passing through support tests with customer support requests and marketing interactions.
One of the main fallbacks right now with technology is the processing of natural language. While it is still rudimentary, the future is promising. Chatbots will finally be able to understand and respond to complex requests from current and potential customers.
The Age of & # 39; Smart-Opolis & # 39;
With more companies intending to undertake digital transformation, cities have also begun to consider what this process could mean for the key issues related to infrastructure, white-collar crime, security computer science, energy consumption and social issues.
What is a "Smart City"?
A right question to ask, but also more difficult to answer. It is a broad and overwhelming concept for the average taxpayer who ultimately faces the bill for his associated projects. There is no universal definition of what a "smart city" is, as entrepreneurs and leaders focus on different aspects of their municipality.
But, in its simplest form, if one were to attempt to define it, it is a designation given to a municipality that incorporates information and communication technologies that provide the improvement and enrichment of urban services through use of smart technology.
While it's definitely a trendy topic in our digital age, the question of how we get there, still remains
Smart cities have the ability to reduce resource consumption, using IoT devices to optimize the use of electricity and water, reducing traffic congestion and air pollution through traffic light monitoring and much more. At the end of the day, the Internet of Things (IoT) is able to improve our urban lifestyle by providing the implementation of distributed computing for real-time data analysis and immediate action. and the answer.
According to McKinsey research, the smart city industry is expected for a $ 400 billion market by 2020, with 600 cities worldwide expected to generate 60% of world GDP by 2025. A new group is currently working to bring at least 100 cities to a forum with the goal of implementing the "smart city standards" and linking them together for further benefits.
The Smart City Forum is a recently opened collaboration of TM Forum members, comprised of seven cities working to help create smart cities around the world. The initial cities with members in the leadership of the new forum are:
- Los Angeles
- Atlanta
- Bristol
- Toronto
- Vancouver
- United Kingdom
- Lisbon
- Portugal
- Dublin [19659045] Ireland
"There will be a huge digital divide between cities that take these innovative steps, such as Atlanta, compared to other cities that resist change," said Carl Piva, vice president of strategic programs at the TM Forum . "Those cities will stay back within a couple of years."
Coin Telegraph offered four case studies on how blockchain, A.I. and IoT-related devices are helping to develop the cities of the future. Take Dubai, for example. It is considered one of the most progressively progressive cities in the world. By implementing unmanned trains, automated sensors, flying taxis, solar panels and WiFi benches, this is a city that perhaps needs a greedy futurist. The UAE authorities do not stop before their goal of turning Dubai into the first blockchain-based smart megapolis by 2020.
Launching kriptonite in the equation
But, at the end of the day, the Justice League had its internal vulnerabilities. While Superman has its own kryptonite, blockchain technology has its enormous energy consumption and scalability problems. Like all new technologies, there are always areas to be exploited. As we have seen, the extraction process requires a significant amount of energy consumption. But when all has been said, a team is as strong as its weakest link.
Blockchain technology is subject to other problems, in particular the human element. We are not yet fully automated and, because of this, there is still a lack of understanding of the true potential that this technology entails, making it expensive and draining of energy. Here is where A.I. it enters, replacing the human element with machine learning to help efficiently enhance the Blockchain in economic ways. We are not trying to drain cities from their resources and energy.
More importantly, blockchain technology can help to unravel the mysteries behind A.I., helping us to explain its very nature. At this time, most people associate A.I. with Hollywood adaptations such as the series Terminator or Netflix & # 39; s Black Mirror .
Not all technology has to turn on its creator, since we understand what we are creating to begin with. Now it's time to project our 21st century Justice League and find the best way to use them.