How Blockchain is connecting humans


Blockchain or the technology of confidence, redefined the way we make transactions. The technology is based on a patriotic concept, that is to say a huge database authenticated by a wider community, rather than a central authority that further allows a self-sufficient, secure and rapid movement of information / payments / data.

To be technically more honest, what happens when computers are integrated, and Internet records are modeled, established on a distributed network of computers and matched with the previous entries in the chain, developed as a result of a continuous addition of data (blocks), conclusively, a chain is forged.

Since technology is no longer extrinsic to timeless controversy, the utility of technology is what is discussed, left, right and center, anywhere online, offline, the proper use or implementation of massive technology is still " spoken". Adding a little more questionable, but logical and injection-proof, the usefulness of blockchain, in this article, I will talk about the fusion of social media and broad and economically responsive technology.

How does Blockchain work and why does its demonstration model provide a consensus without trust and distribution?

Blockchain has the potential to go beyond simple buy and sell; has the ability to change the way social interactions take place today, a Viral News Teller-Facebook; Excessive and unnecessary trolls-Twitter; Limited content-YouTube e Open scam.

Mandatory and proven social media benefits with Blockchain support

  • Exclusive control over the content: A decentralized approach to connectivity and good release from a central server, no single authority can impose monitoring and control over user-generated content. Since a financial incentive must be provided to maintain the decentralized nature of the platform, cryptocurrency can be used to reward hosts that continue to contribute technically. Once again, this eliminates any financial responsibility on the company such as advertising, payments and software maintenance.
  • The removal of intermediaries: Portals like Upwork, Freelancer have annoyingly high ritualistic controls that are actually necessary but reduce the power of the employee / employer. Considering that social job portals are now needed, blockchain-based SN job portals are evolving where data is controlled by users. An already established effort by is reporting the concept of privacy in the most mandatory part of the Internet, for example online services. Built on the axiom of "by the people and for the people", the SN portal charges no taxes, has no intermediaries, and has no uncertainties of user profiles.

In an interview with Entrepreneur,, CEO quotes: "The fundamental component of Humans is the development of a huge database or directory of people and their skills, made accessible to other people on the platform." and keeps saying "We will be a fully decentralized system with social recommendations in the blockchain that classifies the skills and services offered ". In short, users can provide and search for services through the intelligent implementation of the blockchain.

  • Riddance from Data Manipulation: The interception of user data is currently a result of the growing connected population and, as previously shared, Facebook has been the false prophet of privacy. However, the third generation of social networking will give users control, as they can monetize their content and decide if their data is eligible to receive payments or not.
  • A place where the user is NOT the product: Social media is a goldmine of user data that has been exploited / or is still exploited by Facebook, Twitter and Instagram; Blockchain, which is the spinal cord for new social media networks, eliminates the possibility of exchanging aggregated information for targeted marketing and money campaigns. Thus, the user is NOT the product with blockchain-based social media networks, but is the driver of a reliable, pure and content-rich community.
  • Improved security, promising and proven: Digital sales are a painful reward for targeted marketing where smartphone penetration has been taken too much for granted and has served as a catalyst to promote the same user targeting. Facebook has recently been accused of violating privacy, done on a ridiculously massive scale. The result was a mockery, but again, Facebook is still riding the same horse, this time carefully.

Blockchain-based social networks ensure security and privacy through a distributed consent mechanism that re-establishes freedom in the hands of users. Companies like Nexus are working to decentralize and encrypt all data and uploads.

  • A new way to make payments: Facebook is currently working to create a payment platform, integrated with messenger, but as the story says, there is always a disjoint in terms of messaging and the payment platform, how much has been achieved, must be seen. On the other hand, blockchain-based social networks can easily thrive in terms of payment functionality, since an exchange of intelligent tokens through messaging is already at stake.
  • Freedom of word: The result of social sharing today is that every user leaves the crumbs of information that are usually collected by third parties. This can also happen intentionally or unintentionally, but the outcome of the same is usually unreported interference. Blockchain-based social media networks eliminate the need for user accounts phenomenally and use only digital addresses that can not be used, exploited, or even determined. The Obsidian platform is one of the companies that implements decentralized technology and, consequently, communication metadata is spread all over the world, giving further "immortal privacy and freedom of speech" to its users.

What makes Blockchain a special ingredient in its inconvenient but beneficial handshake with social media, is the combination of the security provided by cryptography with Internet immortality.

By supporting the affirmation with some examples, here's what some blockchain companies do with social media networks as a key ambition. Stay with me!

Steemit: Steem, one of the first to adopt blockchain, has matured into the most reliable, effective and organically growing blockchain-based social media network. Unlike Facebook, which only implies viral content growth, Steemit relies on a decentralized reward platform for publishers who can monetize content and ultimately grow a community.

A Steemit user, David Kadavy in a short interview with Bloomberg says: "I feel like I'm in the stone age when I'm on Facebook or Twitter" and continues saying: "They have no value without what you're contributing to them." If Facebook does not respond to this, things can change very quickly, they should be very worried. "

Sola: A hybrid of social networks and media, commanded by Artificial Intelligence, has more than 700,000 users around the world now as claimed by the website. Sola is responsible for the dissemination of information at a viral rate, applying artificial intelligence algorithms further combined with user reactions. The quality content therefore reaches the base of users of Sola where the rest is made, that is, making it more viral.

As reported by ICO Alert, an interview with the CEO of Sola explains: "It allows us to share revenue from advertising, user payments and partnerships with users, providing a strong financial incentive to use our service and create quality content."

PROPS Project: The Props Project is an unusual project but very critical for the need for social networking today. The project is responsible for providing users with real-time involvement, content enhancements and gains in curtability, as well as knowing the status of their contributions to the entire network growth . Social media stars like Phil DeFranco and Casey Neistat are regularly broadcast on the platform, which has somehow attracted many new users.

The CEO of Props Project quotes: "We asked ourselves, how can we exploit our strengths and how would the next generation of a social video be?" according to WIRED.

Opportunities within the social network available thanks to Blockchain

The best example or indicator of public traction is the continuous, traumatic but compelling increase and decrease in the price of Bitcoin. This year, 2018, was the year when Blockchain emerged into a larger collective consciousness, which is why the price of Bitcoin was swinging back and forth through hell and heaven. Knowing that blockchain will contribute accordingly to information security, the intelligent integration of technology with social networks will bring the following changes:

  1. Access to content
  2. Authenticity of the content
  3. Consumption of content

Will blockchain-based platforms replace traditional ways of interacting? Predictions

It is a brutal truth that Facebook is not in imminent danger; the blockchain has the potential to offer a necessary solution to a lot of problems rooted in industrial sectors. A rewarding, interactive and intellectual experience can be created if the merger of blockchain and social media maintains the growth achieved to date. All we have to do is accept!

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