How are you going to make the most of your Christmas shopping this year? – Poll


Survey: Christmas shopping

Online sales are expected to hit a record this year in Canada, Statistics Canada said Monday, amid limits to in-person shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The new data is in line with Statistics Canada’s spring estimates, when e-commerce retail sales more than doubled from February to May.

Online shopping fell this summer from its high of $ 4 billion in May, as more stores opened for in-person shopping.

However, Statistics Canada says 2020 is on track to beat 2019 total ecommerce sales of $ 305 billion, a figure that has more than doubled since 2013 and includes business-to-business sales and retail purchases. detail.

A separate online survey of 600 Google Canada adults in late October also suggested that 70% of respondents were looking for holiday gifts online, not in-store. (The survey industry professional body, the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association, says that online surveys cannot be given a margin of error because they don’t randomly sample the population.)

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