Çiftlik Bank, which emerged in 2016 and left its mark on the country’s agenda by reaching thousands of members in a short time, is one of the most popular examples of ponzi systems. At first glance, ponzi systems, which seem extremely flawless and logical, unfortunately attract a lot of attention, but there are a few ways to avoid them.
Having been on the agenda of our country in recent years and whose repercussions continue Farm Bankleft thousands of victims. An example of a kind of ponzi system Farm BankThe reason people are easily fooled and lost in mystery is that this system looks very reliable at first glance.
Ponzi can in fact be defined as a “chain of happiness”. This system aims to provide resources to old investors who are included in the platform with the proceeds of new investors. Therefore, as long as the system continues, the investors involved can earn income. Similar to a pyramid scheme due to this structure, the system literally collapses when there are no new investors.
What is Ponzi?
The ponzi game, which is an example of a chain of happiness, always aims to attract new users with a simple and modern interface. This order, which uses the new investors included in the system as fuel, ends with the absence of new investors. Starting from Çiftlik Bank, it becomes easier for us to understand what ponzi games are.
Farm BankIt was founded in 2016 by Mehmet Aydin, who is now an international fugitive. The game, which features farm animals of different values, resulted in a 365-day lifespan for these animals. This required players to incur feed and storage costs for the animals on their farms. One of the main reasons the game attracted so much attention was the promises it made.
The founder Mehmet Aydin, the cattle obtained in the game that will be opened in Turkey has promised that it will be used for the production of meat and milk on a real farm. After a while some farm facilities were opened and it is said that the product produced was sold in shops opened in different parts of Turkey. This was a move that attracted new investors needed to get the blood flowing through Çiftlik Bank’s veins.
What are the common features of Ponzi games?
- High-income promise with almost zero risk,
- Confidentiality of official documents belonging to the system,
- The return does not fluctuate according to the market,
- The system is not registered on the stock exchange,
- Find secret strategies and confidential processes,
- Difficulty converting earned income into cash.
The promise of high income with almost no risk:
Any investment that does not have fraud or bad interest behind it contains a certain amount of risk. No investment is 100% guaranteed. Ponzi systems, on the other hand, promise high income with almost no risk. This is an important element in understanding whether an investment platform is a ponzi system.
Confidentiality of official documents belonging to the system:
Farm Bank style ponzi systems always have a dark room. One example is that official system records and documents are not presented transparently to users. Chains of happiness with great secrecy The motive behind its movement is to keep the ponzi system for as long as possible.
Yield does not fluctuate by market:
The problem that there are no risk-free investments mentioned in the first article comes to this conclusion. If an investment platform If the promised income always follows the same line and you should stay away from certain variables if they have no effect. Ponzi systems promise to provide investors with stable income at all times.
The system is not registered on the stock exchange:
ABD’de SEC (United States Securities and Exchange Commission), if in our country stock Exchange The stock market, known as the stock market, is a platform that all investors around the world take part in and ponzi systems are not included in this platform. Investors and companies in this market are transparent as they are completely legal. The reason the chains of happiness are not included here is that transparency is bad for the system.
Finding confidential strategies and confidential processes:
If you can’t access all the details about an investment platform or revenue generating system, you should stay away. A legal investment platform focuses entirely on user trust and this is a luxury that the chains of happiness cannot offer.
Difficulty in converting income into cash:
One of the constant features of legal trading platforms is that investors can convert their balances into cash without delay. Ponzi systems are negatively impacted by any fluctuations as they feed on the abundance of new investors. This causes delays for investors who wish to convert their balance into cash and the process will also be negative.
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