Within three days the news spread of an enthusiastic “The Osiris Rex spaceship has collected asteroid dust!” to a disturbing “it loses its dust in space”. Or what happens when a container is too small for a crop of 300 million kilometers (the meter (symbol m, from the Greek metron, measure) is the basic unit of length in the international system, it is defined as the distance traveled by light in the void in …) …
Image: the artist’s impression of Osiris-Rex at the start of his descent to the surface (A surface generally refers to the surface layer of an object. The term has multiple meanings, sometimes a geometric object, sometimes a physical boundary , and is often mistakenly confused with his size, his …) by Bennu. NASA / Goddard / University of Arizona
We will know more this week. Although we may not have all the answers to the most important questions until September 2023 when it returns: how many grams of the asteroid (an asteroid is a celestial body whose size varies from a few tens of meters to several kilometers and which is opposite to a comet …) Bennu the probe (A space probe is an unmanned ship that has been sent by humans to more closely explore objects in the solar system and for some the space beyond. This includes both the in situ measurements (fields. ..) which reports on the solar earth (the earth is the third planet of the system) in increasing order of distance from the sun and the fourth increasing size and mass. It is the largest and most massive of the four planets. ..)?
The maneuver was almost unprecedented: it approaches the space probe (a space probe is an unmanned spaceship that has been sent by humans to examine the celestial bodies that lie more or less distant …) this cosmic pebble of ‘just 500 meters wide (around which it has been spinning since December 2018), so that its arm touches the ground and at the same time (time is a concept that was developed by humans to record changes in the world), a very strong “breath” – a strong flow of nitrogen – which increases a large amount (quantity is a generic term in metrology (number, quantity); scalar, vector, number of objects or some other way of denominating the value of … .) powder. It happened on October 20. (The past is first and foremost a concept related to time: it is made up of all successive configurations in the world and is on a scale of … compared to the future.) Engineers of NASA (National Aviation and the space The agency (“Administration nationale de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace”), better known by the abbreviation NASA, is the agency …) estimated that with a little luck you would have collected 60 grams of this powder Bennu.
Osiris-Rex hits asteroid Bennu on October 20.
However, on October 23, it was discovered that they probably had 400 grams of it, but that some misplaced fragments prevented it from closing (the term closing refers to 🙂 of the compartment. And suddenly, if nothing is done, close this door, with each sudden maneuver of the probe a few grams of matter (matter is the substance of which every body is composed that has a tangible reality. Its three most common states are solid state, liquid state, gaseous state…) are lost in space.
While waiting to decide the most sensible measure to close the door, the engineers rejected the maneuver intended to bring Osiris-Rex back into orbit (in celestial mechanics, an orbit is the trajectory that a body in Space draws around another body below. the influence of gravity.) Um (um is the name given by the French nomenclature of birds (updated) 31 species of birds belonging to the genus …) of the asteroid: because in microgravity (microgravity in the field of astronautics is the state of a body so that the amount of gravitational forces to which it is subjected has a very weak consequence compared to gravity on …) is a small slowing retro rocket hit more than enough to release a quantity of dust into the container some of which will find the exit.
If we say that the maneuver is “almost” new, it is because the space agency (a space agency is a government agency whose purpose is to study space, develop programs and manage space) the Japanese already had two similar missions: the Hayabusa probe touched the surface of an asteroid in 2005 and brought back a sample (in general, a sample is a small amount of a material, information or solution the word is used in various fields in 2010 🙂 and represents less than one milligram of dust. era (That anything that is understood to be a quantity of what exists is often interpreted as the world or the universe.) Likewise, enough for careful analysis to conclude that such asteroids are closer to that Sun (The Sun () Sol in Latin, Helios or Ήλιος in Greek) is the central star of the solar system. In the astronomical classification it is a yellow star of dwarf type made of hydrogen …) at the beginning of the solar system (The system solar system is a plane tary consists of a star, the Sun and celestial bodies or defined objects that orbit. ..), may have brought water (water is an omnipresent chemical compound on earth, essential for all known living organisms.) to earth. Hayabusa 2 touched another asteroid, Ryugu, in 2018-2019 and is on its way (The word “road” comes from the Latin (via) rupta, literally “broken path”, that is, carved into the rock that …) towards the earth with its precious burden (the word burden can denote the effect of the load or its result :).
To cross Earth’s orbit in September 2023, Osiris-Rex must leave the Bennu area in mid-2021. When it arrives, it will launch a small capsule inside, which I hope will be found. -a- this dust from afar.
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