Hell Planet Has Oceans of Lava, Supersonic Winds, and Searing Showers of Vaporized Rock – RT World News


Imagine a world so hostile to life that has oceans of bubbling lava and raining vaporized rock. This is exactly what researchers have discovered in a distant galaxy and could shed light on the formation of our planet.

A team of researchers studying the hellish exoplanet K2-141b says it is one of the largest “extreme” worlds never discovered. A new study of the planet has found that its surface, oceans and atmosphere are all made of rocks in various different shapes. It boasts 100km deep oceans of magma, rocky glaciers and even a vaporized rock atmosphere.

To top it all off, the bizarre world is also battered by winds with speeds of over 1.75 kilometers per second, faster than the speed of sound on Earth.

The planet is about 1.5 times the size of Earth and is so close to its star that it is able to complete full orbits several times a day.

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The same surface is also constantly facing the star, which means that two-thirds of the planet is constantly illuminated by the sun and experiences temperatures of over 5,400 degrees Fahrenheit. This torrid temperature is enough to vaporize the rocks, giving this part of the planet a thin and inhospitable atmosphere.

“Our discovery probably means that the atmosphere extends a little beyond the magma ocean shore, making it easier to spot with space telescopes,” explained study co-author Nicolas Cowan.

The rest of the planet is shrouded in permanent darkness and temperatures plummet to 328 degrees Fahrenheit.

The researchers modeled what conditions on the infernal surface would look like based on three potential main ingredients, all common in the crusts of rocky planets.

“All the rocky planets, including Earth, were born as fused worlds but then quickly cooled and solidified. The lava planets give us a rare glimpse into this phase of planetary evolution “, Cowan said.

The research team hopes to further verify the observations gleaned from their models following the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope in 2021.

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