Hear Mars rover Perseverance buzz as it sails to the crimson planet


NASA’s next Mars rover is not silent on its long journey to the Red Planet.

A microphone aboard the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover, launched July 30 and landing on February 18, 2021, captured the hum produced by the car-sized robot’s “heat rejection fluid pump”, a NASA audio file just released reveals.

That microphone was installed to record the entry, descent and landing sounds of Perseverance (EDL), the “seven minutes of terror” sequence that will end with a rocket-powered flying crane lowering the rover to the Martian surface on cables. The Mars 2020 team turned on the microphone on Oct.19 to determine if this and an associated camera system are working properly, capturing the buzz in the process.

In the photos: NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover mission to the Red Planet

That sound did not travel in the vacuum of space; sound waves need a medium through which to propagate. In this case, the waves passed through Perseverance’s body, causing mechanical vibrations that the microphone recorded.

“Apologizing to the person who came up with the slogan for” Alien “, I guess you could say that no one in space could hear you scream, but they can hear your fluid pump repelling the heat,” Dave Gruel, chief engineer for the Mars 2020’s EDL camera and microphone subsystem, it said in a statement Wednesday (Nov. 18).

“As great as it is to hear some audio about spacecraft operations in flight, the audio file has a more important meaning,” added Gruel. “It means our system is working and ready to try and record some of the sound and fury of a Mars landing.”

The heat rejection fluid pump is part of Perseverance’s thermal system, which will keep the rover and its instruments on Mars warm by circulating the heat generated by the mission’s nuclear battery, NASA officials said in the statement.

Perseverance will explore the bottom of the 45 kilometer wide Jezero Crater, which in the past housed a lake and a river delta. The rover will characterize the site’s geology, hunt for signs of ancient life on Mars, and cache samples for future return to Earth, among other activities.

Perseverance will also test technologies for future exploration of the Red Planet. For example, one of the rover’s instruments, called MOXIE (short for “Mars Oxygen ISRU Experiment”), will generate oxygen from the thin Martian atmosphere dominated by carbon dioxide. Such equipment, when enlarged, could help humanity establish a foothold on the Red Planet, NASA officials said.

Also flying to Mars attached to Perseverance’s belly is a tiny helicopter called Ingenuity. If all goes to plan, the 4 lbs. The helicopter (1.8 kilograms) will carry out some short test flights over the Red Planet, becoming the first ever rotor aircraft to sail alien skies.

The EDL microphone, built by the Danish company DPA Microphones, is not Perseverance’s only audio equipment. The rover is equipped with a second microphone designed to record the sounds produced by its rock-zapping SuperCam instrument.

If these microphones work, they will be the first ever to record true audio on Mars. (NASA’s InSight lander captured the “sounds” of the Martian wind shortly after its 2018 touchdown, but logging processed data collected by an air pressure sensor and seismometer.)

But the new microphones aren’t the first to fly on a Red Planet mission. NASA’s Mars Polar Lander spacecraft, which crashed during its landing attempt in December 1999, had a microphone. And NASA’s Phoenix lander, which passed its 2008 water hunting mission, had a microphone built into its descent camera. But the Phoenix team never turned on the tool, worried that using it would complicate the landing process.

Mike Wall is the author of “Out There” (Grand Central Publishing, 2018; illustrated by Karl Tate), a book about the search for alien life. Follow him on Twitter @michaeldwall. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom or Facebook.

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