Hear about the space travel of NASA’s Perseverance Vehicle


NASA’s spacecraft called Perseverance is currently continuing its journey to Mars. You can hear the sounds of the vehicle, which will arrive on the red planet in about 3 months.

Sound does not propagate in space. Since there is no air or other vibrating material, there is no sound. However, you can hear the journey of NASA’s spacecraft called Perseverance.

The Perseverance vehicle was developed to be used in various searches on the Martian surface. NASA has sent this vehicle to the red planet in recent months. The vehicle is expected to travel in space for approximately 3 months.

60 seconds of sound

Perseverance also made history as the first NASA vehicle to have a microphone. The microphone located on the vehicle recorded 60 seconds of sound. Although the sound is not emitted because there is no air in the space, it was possible to record the mechanical vibrations of the vehicle as electrical signals.

The sound recorded by the vehicle traveling at about 42,000 kilometers per hour in space was dated October 19. These sounds actually belong to the vehicle’s cooling system. The liquid cooling system collects the excess heat generated in the vehicle and allows it to be eliminated. The fluid is in a continuous cycle.

The reason for putting the microphone is an experimental attempt. The purpose of this initiative is to be able to record the sounds that will occur during the moments of entry, landing and landing of the Martian atmosphere. Therefore, it is expected to collect data that will allow easier landing for other surface vehicles in the future.

The systems work

Dave Gruel, chief engineer of Mars 2020’s EDL Camera and Microphone subsystem, released a statement on the subject. Gruel explains: “While it’s great to have some noise in flight while operating a spacecraft, it has a more important meaning. It shows that our system is working and is ready to record some cracking noises when landing on Mars. ” She said.

The Perseverance spacecraft is equipped with many special equipment for working on the surface of the red planet. This NASA vehicle will begin its work by landing on Mars in early 2021. You can hear the recorded sounds here.

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