Half of the adults go to work during the second block


More than half of adults go to work during the lockdown, government figures revealed, and the number continues to grow.

According to data published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), more than half – 56% – of working adults reported going to work during the second block.

The data, which covers the period from 18 to 22 November, marks a slight increase compared to the previous week which found that 51% of working adults went to work.

The figures are for adults in Britain who claim to travel solely to work and those who travel in combination with work from home.

The current guide says that people should work from home wherever possible in an effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus and travel only if essential.

The researchers also found compliance with most measures remained high this week, with 88%, up from 89% the previous week, reporting that they always or frequently wash their hands after returning home. . Ninety-seven percent, the same amount as last week, reported using face coverage and 91 percent, up one percent from last week, avoided physical contact when away from home.

A further 86%, down from 88% last week, reported that they always or often kept social distance when out of the support bubble.

However, the number of adults who reported commuting to work – exclusively and in combination with work from home – increased from 51% last week.

The data comes when the government announced a return to the tiered system in England before Christmas and the end of the lockdown next week.

Families will be granted permission to mix three families over a five-day period during the holiday season, but there are fears that many will break the rules.

Nigel Farage, leader of the Brexit Party, criticized the government’s plans, arguing that the tiered system is “blocked in everything but name”.

“I think mass rule violation is coming,” he tweeted.

This comes when a Telegraph poll found that 25% of people break Christmas restrictions.

In response, Sir Charles Walker, deputy chairman of the Conservative Parliamentarians’ Committee of 1922, said: “I am surprised that it is so little, but I suspect that the number will grow as Christmas approaches.

“This is why it is so important for the government to propose an initiative that allows families to get together during the holiday period.

“This is important because if the government fails to make this provision, the people will do it anyway, which will lead to the government losing authority.”

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